announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce, advertise, broadcast, publish
ce :多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。
例如:They announced that a cold wave would come soon. 他们报告说不久寒流就要来。
e :侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。
例如:He declared that the meeting has been postponed.(他宣布会议已延期了。)
im :指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。
例如:The government has proclaimed a new law.(政府已公布了一项新法令。)
nce :词义与announce,declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。
例如:Has judgment been pronounced yet? (判决宣布了吗?)
ise :指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。
例如:It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.(他们宣扬愿意在谈判中让步, 这是不明智的。)
ast :专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。
例如:The radio broadcast the news in detail.(无线之声详细地广播了那则消息。)
h :专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。
例如:The only daily newspaper in the city did not publish yesterday because of a strike.(昨天市内惟一的日报因罢工而没出版。)
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