Probability of event A conditioned on the fact that event B has happened is called the conditional probability and written as P(AIB).
P(AIB)=Probability Both A and B happens/ Probability B happens.
A six-sided die with faces from 1 to 6 is rolled twice. What is the probability that the face 5 turned up on first try given that the sum of the two faces is 9?
P(sum of faces is 9)=4/36=1/9.
P(face 5 turns up on the first try and sum is 9)=(1/6)*(1/6)=1/36.
P(face 5 turned up on first try given sum is 9)=(1/36)*(1/9)=1/4.
If P(AIB)=P(A),then two events A and B are independent, that is occurrence of one does not influence the other
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首先,在阅读中会出现的逻辑除了常见的因果、并列、转折和比较以外,考生们还需要清楚的是举例、指代、否定和顺序也是阅读里面常见的逻辑。每一个逻辑对于解题和把握段落结构都是非常重要的。 以我们常见的比较逻辑为例。比较逻辑出现的时候需要关注四个要素:比较对象、比较方面、比较大小和比较的限制范围。举个中文例子:在冬天,南方比北方更冷。在这个句子中我们看到的比较对象即南方vs...
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