校训: Ingenio et labore (By natural ability and hard work)
建立时间: 1883
类别: Public
校长: Hugh Fletcher
副校长: Stuart McCutcheon
所在地: Auckland, New Zealand
校园: Urban
奥克兰大学(英文:The University of Auckland)是一所位于新西兰最大城市奥克兰市的大学。
奥克兰大学是一所研究型大学,也是新西兰最好的大学,No.1 University.它的研究成果和研究工作占全国70%以上,近几年来发展迅速,一跃成为世界Top50的大学,在校的博士生超过3000人(2006)。
Faculty of Arts:文科系
Business School:商学院
National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries :国际创作艺术系
Faculty of Education:教育系
Faculty of Engineering :工程系
Faculty of Law : 法律系
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences:医学和健康科学系
Faculty of Science: 科学系
此外,奥克兰大学拥有神学院(School of Theology)
奥克兰大学是唯一的来自新西兰的Universitas 21以及环太平洋大学联盟(the Association of Pacific Rim Universities)的成员。
奥克兰大学的各种学历都会得到国际上的认可。奥克兰大学的传统是以其在世界各地取得事业成功的毕业生而自豪。奥克兰大学是新西兰唯一一所入围21所大学联盟(Universitas 21)和亚太大学协会(Association of Pacific Rim Universities)的大学。 这两个组织的会员仅限于那些各学科上领先均于国际的科研型大学,而且必须得到邀请方可加入。
2005年,英国权威机构《泰晤士报》高等教育副刊 (Times Higher Educational Supplement, London) 在对世界前200名大学的排名中,奥克兰大学以全球第52位的综合排名成绩名列新西兰之首。在分学科领域的世界排名中,奥克兰大学的一些科系也名列前茅:
奥克兰大学全球顶尖100科系 Times Higher Education Supplement 2005全球大学排名
综合 46
文学及人文科学 Arts and Humanities 25
生物医学 Biomedicine 26
工程学/技术学 Engineering/Technology 43
社会科学 Social Sciences 33
科学 Science 58
The City campus, in the Auckland CBD, has the bulk of the students and faculties. It covers 160,000 m².
The Tamaki campus, established in 1991, covers 320,000 m² in the suburb of Glen Innes, 12 km from the City campus. The degrees available here are based on Health, Sports Science, Environmental Science, Wine Science, Information Technology, Communications and Electronics, Materials and Manufacturing, Food and Biotechnology and Information Management.
The Medical and Health Services Campus, established in 1968, is located close to the City Campus in the suburb of Grafton, opposite Auckland City Hospital. The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy and Department of Optometry are based here.
The North Shore Campus, established in 2001, was located in the suburb of Takapuna. It offered the Bachelor of Business and Information Management degree. At the end of 2006, the campus was closed and the degree relocated to the City campus.
On 1 September 2004, the Auckland College of Education amalgamated with the University to form the newest Faculty of the University (by merging the School of Education (previously part of the Arts Faculty) and the college). The faculty is based at the Epsom Campus of the former college with an additional campus in Whangarei.
口语练习1第一句:Auckland is a city full of energy. It is notmerely a landing port, but a good place to visiton vacations as well.是啊,奥克兰是个充满活力的城市。她不仅是一个港口城市, 而且是一个度假的好地方。A: Everything he...
校训: 2000 Predecessors established in 1895.类别: Public名誉校长: Sir Paul Reeves现任校长: Derek McCormack所在地: Auckland, New Zealand网址: 概况学校建成于1895...