校训: Ko te tangata (The people)
建立时间: 1964
类别: Public
名誉校长: Jim Bolger, ONZ
现任校长: Roy Crawford
所在地: Hamilton, New Zealand
校园: Urban
怀卡托大学成立于1964年,是新西兰政府资助的8所公立大学之一,在校学生12,500多名,国际留学生2000多名来自全世界70多个国家。怀卡托大学在世界上享有很高的知名度,更以法律、管理、计算机、自然科学和教育见长,被誉为南半球的哈佛。毛利文化和太平洋发展学院也是世界上毛利和太平洋文化学术研究的中心。怀卡托的主校园位于新西兰最大的内陆城市哈密尔顿 Hamilton和陶朗阿地区。
Sport and Leisure opportunities
There are a number of Sport and Leisure activities close to the University of Waikato that students can participate in. A wide variety of social and also competitive activities, they are all within walking distance from the University.
The Unirec Centre
The Unirec Centre offers people with an opportunity of cheap exercise and a wide variety of social sports. The Unirec Centre offers a cardio studio with different cardio equipment, weight room, REV indoor cycling, squash courts and a sports hall. The Unirec centre also offers a wide variety of exercise programmes, and is able to offer a personalised exercise programme for individuals.
Membership options
The Unirec Centre offers a wide variety of membership options, Health and Wellbeing Clubs, Group Exercise Classes, Personal Exercise Programmes, Squash, Social Sport and more.
ASB Social Sport
ASB Social Sport offers a variety of social indoor and outdoor sport. The indoor social sports start in March and have 6 leagues that goes until the beginning of November. The sports offered are Netball, Soccer and Volleyball. The leagues take place at the Unirec Centre. All the indoor leagues are $150 per team. The Outdoor sports offered are Touch, and Soccer.
Sport and Clubs
If you are interested in playing sports for a club, the University of Waikato has a variety of different sport clubs. University Netball, Team Waikato, Rowing Club, Unicol Soccer, Hockey Club and Rugby Club.
The University also have a wide variety of partner clubs and sports.
The Don Llewellyn Sports Pavilion is the home of the University’s sport teams. It provides changing rooms for home and away teams, and is a perfect place to socialise for players and supporters after a game. It also offers a place to meet for the public and it’s perfect to relax and have something to drink. The Pavilion is located next to the University fields for rugby, cricket and soccer and the tennis and netball courts.
The University campus swimming pools are open for public from 1 December to 31 March from 12 pm to 6 pm. The pools include a 50 meter aquatic leisure pool and a diving pool. They are unheated.
中文:孔卡托氏病英文翻译:【医】Concato's disease...