

Global auto makers think the Internet is the way into the hearts of a new generation of Chinese car enthusiasts.

Both foreign and domestic auto makers here are pouring ad money into online ventures, even as their overall spending remains flat. Market-tracking firm iResearch expects outlays for online auto marketing to reach 1.75 billion yuan, or roughly $256 million, this year, up from 1.38 billion yuan in 2008.


China's biggest Web-site operators are jockeying to meet the demand, with several offering online games or other features designed to encourage visitors to click on auto-related ads. One popular game, from social-networking site Kaixin001, lets users 'park' cars in virtual garages, earnings points they can use to buy more cars. BMW, Ford Motor's Volvo brand and China's Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. have sponsored cars featured in the game since it started accepting ads in December.
中国大型网站运营商都在花样翻新来满足汽车厂商的需求,有数家公司还提供网络游戏或其他功能,意在鼓励网站访问者点击汽车相关广告。社交网站开心网上的一个热门游戏让用户可以在虚拟的车库里停车,进而获得积分买更多的车。自去年12月开心网开始接广告以来,宝马(BMW)、福特汽车(Ford Motor)旗下的沃尔沃(Volvo)品牌和上海汽车工业(集团)总公司一直为游戏中出现的汽车提供赞助

'It's the first time to have a chance to show our dynamic style online,' said Terry Johnsson, vice president of Shanghai General Motors Co., a joint venture of SAIC and General Motors of the U.S. that advertises its Buick model on the game. 'We will definitely do more on social-networking sites,' he said. Shanghai GM has allocated 10% of its overall media budget to the Internet in 2009, almost double 2007's level, he added.
上海通用汽车副总裁蒋泰瑞(Terry Johnsson)说,这是我们首次有机会在网上展示自己活力四射的风格。上海通用是上汽和通用汽车(General Motors)的合资企业,在开心网的游戏中为旗下的别克车做广告。蒋泰瑞说,我们肯定会在社交网站上投入更多。他还说,上海通用已经把2009年媒体总预算的10%拨给了互联网,几乎比2007年多了一倍。

Television is still the auto makers' preferred advertising method, particularly for high-end brands. But Victor Koo, 's CEO, says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ad's price and more cost-effective.
电视仍是汽车生产商青睐的广告方式,对高端品牌尤其如此。不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(Victor Koo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。

Nissan Motor Co., which has one of the hottest brands in the Chinese market, has reduced its overall marketing budget this year because of the global downturn, says Toshimitsu Irie, the company's spokesman in Beijing. Nissan declined to discuss specific spending plans, but it is a client of major Chinese Web portals such as Sohu and Sina, which are run by Inc. and Inc., respectively, as well as auto sites Xcar and Cheshi.
日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co.)的一款汽车是中国市场上最热销的品牌之一。公司驻北京发言人Toshimitsu Irie说,由于全球放缓,该公司已经减少了今年整体营销预算。日产拒绝透露具体的支出计划,不过它是搜狐和新浪等中国大型门户网站的客户,也是汽车网站爱卡汽车网(Xcar)和网上车市(Cheshi)的客户。

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