


iPod touch不提供电话、GPS、数字指南针、短信(SMS)等功能,除非用户有另外为机器越狱和架设苹果皮,以达至追加出电话、短信和使用流动数据(只支持GPRS)上网等iPhone具备的基本功能。

The App Store features over 500,000 apps, many of which are free. That includes over 100,000 game and entertainment titles — more than any other platform. And you can go head-to-head with millions of other gamers on Game Center. No wonder iPod touch is the world’s most popular portable game player. You’ll wish you had more fingers.
Nowadays, it seems like everyone is a musician. And with apps like these, it’s no wonder. If you’re looking to create some block-rocking beats or turn your talk into fresh tracks, iPod touch can make you the next big star.
Choose a favorite song or artist and Pandora Radio plays the music you want to hear and music just like it. Discover new artists with similar sounds and skip over songs you don’t like.
  • 《itouch软件:itouch必备软件推荐》

    受众多itouch粉丝的热捧,一款好的软件成为大家追逐的对象,下面是编者为你推荐的部分软件。BeejiveIM(主要可以登录MSN), Skype,QQ,iXin(可以登录Fetion,但网上评价不高)Flash Drive(吧touch变U盘,有线,无线都可以)mBox Mail (支持收取hotmail)EN-CN Dict (功能比较强大,但...

  • 《itouch越狱是什么》


  • 《itouch资讯:苹果iTouch最新广告歌》

    苹果的每一首广告歌都会让人有眼前一亮的感觉,最新的iTouch广告也不例外。这首来自美国独立摇滚乐队Grouplove的Tongue Tied有一种少年的悸动和愉悦味道。让人听到不自觉就想跳起来。Grouplove创建于2009年,共有5个成员:Hannah Hooper, Christian Zucconi, Sean Gadd, Andrew Wessen 和 Ryan...

  • 《itouch资讯:抽中iTouch 要交360元所得税》


  • 《itouch资讯:itouch5什么时候出-》

    iPhone5发布会上明确指出:iTouch5将和iPhone5在今年的9月21日同步上市。iTouch5首发只配有32G和64G两个版本。取消以往的8G,16G乞丐版。并且配备最新的EarPods耳机(EarPods耳机拆解评测)音质性能有大幅提升。iTouch5 32G目前国内官网给出的售价是2298。小编建议直接购买iTouch5国行保修有保障。更薄更轻的New iPad...

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