1. Thomas Wolfe portrayed people so that you came to know their yearnings, their impulses, and
their warts----this was effective _____.
A. motivation B. point of view C. characterization D. background
2. The appeal to the senses known as ______ is especially common in poetry.
A. imaginative B. imaginable C. ingenious D. imagery
3. If you've got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and _____ with him.
A. tell it B. have it out C. say it D. have it known
4. There have been several attempts to introduce gayer colours and styles in men's clothing , but
none of them____
A. ha caught on B. has caught him out, C. has caught up D. take roots
5.The retired engineer plunked down $ 50,000 in cash for a mid-size Mercedes as a present for his wife --a purchase ______ ,with money made in the stock market the week before.
A. paid off B. paid through C. paid cut D. paid for
6.He has courage all right, but in matters requiring judgment, he has often been found
A. lack it B. absent C. in need of it D. wanting
7. Danis Hayes raised the essential paradox and asked how people could have fought so hard
against environmental degradation _____ themselves now on the verge of losing the war.
A. only found B. finding only C. only to find D, have only found
8.The once separate issue of environment and development are now ____ linked.
A. intangible B. indispensable C. inextricably D. incredibly
9.The need to see that justice is done ____ every decision made in the courts.
A. implants into B. imposes on C. impinges upon D. imprecates upon
10. Two thirds of the US basketball players are black, and the number would be greater__
the continuing practice of picking white bench warmers for the sake of balance.
A. was it not because of B. had it not been for
C. ware it not for D. would it not have been for
11. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____ going on in the world.
A. it is B. there is C. as is D. what is
12. If there is the need to compete in a crowd, to battle ______ the edge the surest strategy is to
develop the unexpected.
A. on B. for C. against D. with
13. Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees _____.
occupations for which technical training is necessary .
A. so too there are B. so also there are
C. so there are too D. so too are there
14. It is a myth that the law permits the Food and Drug Administration to ignore requirements for
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2020年9月六级考试已经结束,大家都考得怎么样呢?很多小伙伴都迫不及待的咨询下半年12月六级考试报名时间了!小编今天给大家整理:北京大学2020年下半年全国大学英语六级考试报名官方公告!一起来看看吧! 一、考试科目和时间安排根据教育部考试中心《关于2020年下半年...