

Direction: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)

1 .The doctor's ____ is that she'll soon be as good as new if she takes insulin and watches her diet.

  A. agnosticism   B. anticipation    C. diagnosis  D. prognosis

2. It is ____ understood by all concerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of m his hearing will remain forever unspoken.

  A. uncommunicatively                      B. acceptably

  C. tacitly                            D. taciturnly

3.  ____  springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous.

  A. A compliment                          B. An adulatory

  C. Flattery                             D. Praise

4. Leaving for work m plenty of time to catch the train will ___worry about being late.

  A. rule off    B. prevent      C. avoid     D. obviate

5. Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so _____ and unceasingly that he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe.

  A. vociferously                          B. patriotically

  C. verbosely                            D. loquaciously

6. People suffering from ____prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken m large public buildings and open fields.

   A, acrophobia                           B. agoraphobia

   C. claustrophobia                        D. xenophobia

 7. All normal human beings are ____ at least to a degree --they get a feeling of warmth and kinship from engaging in group activities.

 A. segregated                   B. congregational

 C, gregarious                     D. egregious

8. He is ___  drinker, who has been imbibing for so long that he has figuratively speaking, grown old with the vice.

 A. an inveterate                           B. an incorrigible

  C. a chronic                          D. an unconscionable

9. We listened dumb-struck, full of_____, to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of the compare.

  A. incredality                  B. ingenuity

  C. ingenuousness                D. incredibility

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