Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.
ban abolish abort cancel cross out wipe out put off delay
desert/forsake/ leave / cease / depart / discard / relinquish / surrender /quit/ withdraw /give up
abide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide observe discover adapt)
Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/persist/remain/stay
You have to keep ______ with the times.
Abreast/up catch up with go along with fit in with
absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear you call.
engage/occupy/bend over/involve/be busy with
Abundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game
access In many schools, students don’t have sufficient access to the library.
Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at hand
His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation accordance according fit)
I’m in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in proportion to
account He asked no one’s advice; he did it on his own (account).independently
You have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respect/mind
Give us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tale/statement
He has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe tell relate answer for say explain explicate)
acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secure
active He is very active in politics.
adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.
Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit
accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be familiar with)
admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.
(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt)
adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.
advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.
北京大学2013下半年剑桥BEC考试报名通知 一、考试时间级 别 笔试日期 口试日期BEC高级 11月16日(上午) 11月16、17日BEC中级 11月30日(上午) 11月30、12月1日 二、报名时间:即日起每周开始报名,截止日期9月26日(以北大考点名额报满为准,额满即止!) ...
北京大学关于2022年上半年全国大学英语四、六级考试 报名通知根据教育部考试中心《关于2022年上半年全国大学英语四、六级考试报名工作有关事宜的通知》(教考院函【2022】2号)文件要求,结合北京教育考试院工作安排,现将北京地区2022年上半年全国大学英语四、六级考试口试(以下简称CET-...
2020年9月六级考试已经结束,大家都考得怎么样呢?很多小伙伴都迫不及待的咨询下半年12月六级考试报名时间了!小编今天给大家整理:北京大学2020年下半年全国大学英语六级考试报名官方公告!一起来看看吧! 一、考试科目和时间安排根据教育部考试中心《关于2020年下半年...