You have to keep ______ with the times.
Abreast/ fit in with
absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn t hear you call.
engage/occupy/bend over/ be busy with
abundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish a
nd game
access In many schools, students don t have sufficient access to the library.
Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at hand
His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation accordance accord
ing fit)
I m in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /compl
y with /conform to/be in proportion to
account He asked no one s advice; he did it on his own account independently
You have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respe
Give us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tal
He has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe tell relate answer
for say explain explicate)
acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/sec
active He is very active in politics.
adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.
Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit
accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be fa
miliar with)
admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traff
ic delays.
(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt)
adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.
advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of mon
Benefit/gain/upper hand interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returns
Aim His aim is to win the game.
Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years.
Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store up
ambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money.
Eager for/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/be
intent upon
amount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.
Add up to/approximate/total/sum up
The future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.
angle Try looking at this affair from a different angle. aspect/view/point of
announce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.
Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/make known
anticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.
expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope for
anything but The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at all
The apparent things might not tell of the truth.
apparent obvious seeming evident clear plain
apart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.
有些英语学习者觉得学习和记忆英语词汇太枯燥乏味,因而产生畏难情绪,影响了他们学习英语的积极性和效果。 由于英语和汉语分别属于两种不同的语系,差异很大,要学好英语词汇的确不容易。不过,尽管如此,不是所有的英语词汇都是枯燥无味的。相反,有些英语词汇,而且应该说有相当数量的英语词汇具有鲜明、生动、具体的形象。你一看到它们,只要稍加思考,理解它们包含的形象,就会在脑中产生联想,留下深刻...
(1)英语单词的准确数量,没有正式的统计,语言学家一般认为,英语单词(不包括专用词汇、人名、地名等),大约有17万个,其中约7万个是已经或者即将废弃的,因此英语单词的大致数量是10万个。 (2)英语单词中,不会连续出现三个相同的字母,但如果我们给单词添加后缀,则可能出现这种情况,比如governess(女总督)变成governessship(女总督职务)。 ...
形容词 形容词是博士入学英浯考试词汇部分的一个重要测试项目。因为形容词是英语三大实词之一,是英语语言文字中意义较丰富、用法较积极的一部分。该项目的测试点包括:1)形容词的认知能力和辨别能力;2)词形及词义相近的形容词的区分;3)形容词和介词的搭配。在国家颁布的硕士生和博士生英语教学大纲附录的词汇表中有相当比例的形容词及与其紧密相关的副词,在各...
名词(一)名词的特点 英语和其他语种一样,其名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词以及连词都有各自不同的特点。在学习名词时,应注意名词的一些特点。奉节着重谈一下名词的构成和名词的复数。1.名词的构成(1) 除了英语本族语及少量外来语等拼写简单的名词外,名词多数是由希腊及拉丁词根加上前缀、后缀构成。大量的名词后缀是表示性质、...
动 词 动词及短语动词是博士生入学英语考试词汇部分的一个重要测试项目。该项目对考生的测试点包括:1)动词的认知能力和辨别能力;2)动词用法的掌握程度;3)动词搭配关系的熟练程度。据初步统计在硕士研究生入学考试5500个词汇中,大约有五分之一是动词及动词词组。因此,掌握好这批词汇直接关系到能否通过博士生入学英语词汇部分的考试。...