1.I see you like to chew。
2.I sense the dragon warrior is among us。
think that it's easy。
are going to wish he hadn't 。
5.I see you have found the sacret peach tree of heavenly wisdom。
6.I thought it was just a regular peach tree what makes you think I am upset。
actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?
8.I thought you said you were ready
9.I thought you said acupuncture would make me fell better。
10.I know master shifu was trying to inspire me and all ,but if I didn’t know any better。
11.I’d say he’s tring to get rid of me. heheheh~~he~he~he~~
12.I know he can seem kind of heartless , but you know he wasn’t always like that。
told him he was destined for greatness。
14.Shifu had to destroy what he had created。
15.I meant I didn’t ~~I didn’t actually say that。
16.I wish my mouth was bigger。
is said that the dragon can survive for a month at the time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the universe。
18.I guess my body doesn’t know it’s the dragon warrior yet。
know I was trying to get rid of you , yet you stayed。
20.I just thought you might be monkey。
21.I know you are trying to be all mystical in kung-fu。
do you know you are not looking at her?
2 think I’m a fool?
24.I know you are not the dragon warrior , none of you
would think that master oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu
26.I’m glad shifu sent you。
27.I was begining to think I ’ve been forgotten。
real dragon warrior is coming home
mes I can’t believe I am actually your son
says you would be able to hear a butterfly’s wing beat
make something special , you just have to believe it’s special
knew I was the dragon warrior
33.I don’t know if I can do all of those .. moves
3 don’t know how long I ’ve been waiting for this moment, this is a sign ,po
35.I don’t understand what master oogway was thinking , the poor guy’s just gonna get himself killed
are too concern with what was and what will be . there is a saying , yestoday is history , tomorrow is a mystery , but today is a gift , that is why it is called present ..。
37.I can control when the fruit will fall
could you at least tell me where we are going ?
中文:宾语短语英文翻译:【计】object phrase...
同学们总是很为学语法感到头痛,尤其是从句部分,认为是死的知识,要去背。其实,我们要改变观念,语法不是死知识,是鲜活的语言的规律总结,同学们学习不要去死记硬背,要去理解。实际上考试常考的知识点就是我们日常生活常用语言。 以热门电影《功夫熊猫》为例证,《功夫熊猫》是动画片,针对对象是小孩子,语言比较简单,然而就在这部家喻户晓的90分钟的动画片中,宾语从句就有38句,足以说明宾语从句在日常生活...
六级备考的时候,很多语法知识很难掌握。宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,在句子中起宾语作用,是从句中出现率难度的类型之一,宾语从句知识点杂乱,细节多,很容易让人疑惑,下面是小编给大家分享的学习内容,大家可以作为参考。用来充作宾语的句子叫做宾语从句。如:He asked what you were doing last night. 他问你昨天夜晚在干什么。...
子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎。”大家最近有没有好好学习本喵的语法教程?其实整本《论语》中几乎都是子曰、某某曰之类的句子,这些在英语中都可以用宾语从句来表示。比如:Confucius said that learning with a constant perseverance and application is pleasant...