在托福阅读考试中,在一般的主从句之间加入标点符号,往往可以插入更多的内容,从而呈现在我们面前一句超长的句子(词数35+甚至40+)。另外,对英文标点不熟悉的同学可能会被这类句子弄晕。不过其实,这种句子看懂之后其实比长难句的修饰成分要简单。 托福阅读 出现较多的标点符号有破折号、冒号和分号,下面小编各举一例说说。
The new candid photography—unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken—confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats.
Topic:Candid photography confirmed scientific results.
Details:Method of candid photography(contents between dash lines)
New compositional formats thanks to the radical cropping of images(meanwhile)
Scholars believe that this cooperation allowed people to contend with a patchy environment in which precipitation and other resources varied across the landscape: if you produce a lot of food one year, you might trade it for pottery made by a distant ally who is having difficulty with crops—and the next year, the flow of goods might go in the opposite direction.
Topic:Scholar believe cooperation allowed people to contend with the environment.
Details:Environment: precipitation and other resources varies across the landscape.
Illustrate how people act in this kind of cooperation by one example, say exchange spare crops with pottery.
分号的作用很简单,常用于分离没有连接词连接的句子。通常用在非常严肃正式的文体中, 托福写作 中不太推荐使用。在实际阅读中,我们只要把分号后面的内容看成另外一句句子即可,如下例:
Since practically all the solar system's mass resides in the Sun, this similarity in chemistry means that chondrites have average solar system composition, except for the most volatile elements; they are truly lumps of nebular matter, probably similar in composition to the matter from which planets were assembled.
职场上的你们,尤其是在外企,经常会遇到一些外贸函电或者业务函电等等的困扰。到底该怎么写才是规范的,要如何表达出意义而又不失礼貌,商务写作自然有商务的风格,如何下笔?来看看下面的内容吧,它会告诉你答案的。 一.外贸函电写作文法技巧 1.主客分明、意思清晰 2.表达明确,决不模棱两可 3.结构对称,易于理解. 4...
BEC阅读是BEC考试中最重要的板块之一,大家在平时可以多练习BEC阅读,更快提分。今天为大家分享的是BEC阅读备考应试技巧,希望对你有所帮助,写在前面再强调一遍:真题为王。BEC备考请直接从真题开始!原因是:1 你先得知道自己几斤几两啊!许多人也纳闷「到底该考中级还是高级啊?」。诺,做真题不就知道了。虽然剑桥最近也...
大家都觉得BEC听力是非常不容易的,可是该怎么训练这是个难题。可能你用这个方法适合,他用那个方法好使,总之得去尝试。那么还有一些听力的高频短语需要我们掌握,这对于我们的听力有很大的帮助,来看看下面这些BEC听力的高频短语吧。 1. a change of pace 节奏变换 You can't do these chemistry experiments...
近期收到很多同学在问,在外企应该如何正确的书写邮件?如何写一封得体地道的英文邮件?邮件写不好会不会影响自己的升职?那么今天小编就教大家几个商务英语邮件写作的“小套路”,包你从外企职场小白,瞬间成为职场精英!01 邮件开头问候...