Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.
I strongly agree with the author on the claim that gifted children should be identified and provided special education. Since such training can help better develop talented individual and greatly benefit the whole society, it is necessary to put this proposal into reality as soon as possible.
Both theoretical studies and experimental practices have indicated that gifted children would better develop themselves under circumstances specially designed for them. Starting with the observation of extraordinary children, teachers from kindergartens and elementary schools have long been reporting their being obsessed with certain "troublesome" kids by their unique behavioral patterns. For example, while the whole class is learning basic arithmetic such as twelve plus thirteen is twenty-five, a math whiz, exercising multiplication on 4-digit numbers without awareness of what's going on in the classroom, may always draw the teacher's attention. So it is very often a headache for the teachers in that to punish this committed kid for not being attentive is so unreasonable. Actually letting him/her to stay in this class is an unreasonable thing itself since what is taught is far behind what is wanted. Hence the solution is to set up a special class or institution for all kids of this kind. I came to know one of these classes in China which mainly aims at academically promising stars. Some thirty talented children of ten years old from elementary schools are enrolled every two years and they will be sent to universities in various majors at the age of fourteen, since they are capable of learning much more and much faster. That is to say ------take the chemistry major as an example ------ some of them will be doing experiments in university chemistry curriculum with ease while others of the same age find it painful to understand the composition of water. It makes a great difference once their potentials are fully developed. Therefore one can see the necessity in providing the talented such institutions as the genuine nourishment they need.
Moreover, these specialized institutions are capable of preventing some unpleasant consequences. Needless to say without these institutions we will miss the chance to produce numerous experts on various fields, or at least their debuts have to be postponed. More importantly, the unbalanced development, that is indulgence in their field of interest and disregard on others, is a commonplace among gifted children. A young math whiz may find it hard to ask for direction when lost his/her way since he/she is poor at communication. Or a young poet with personality flaws frequently complains for his/her absurd demands not being fulfilled. This problem is particularly conspicuous in that they are unexpectedly superior in one field yet unbearably inferior in another. In this case, gifted children's class can better afford solutions than ordinary ones as their experts on psychology can put more emphasis on these points, while ordinary school teachers tend to overlook such problems. In these classes it is far more convenient to make distinct therapy for individual on his/her own drawbacks, and produce genius with personality well-being and other necessary living skills. Thus the specialized institutions yield experts but not maniacs, which is a very satisfying outcome.
Last but not the least, establishment of these institutions is beneficial to the society. These kids with special training will generally work at an early age, and therefore produce more wealth for the society. Teenage university graduates can best support this thesis. The society spend less on their education yet gets back more once they get a job. Also it has been found out that people are usually more creative in their youth, as we recall those prominent figures like Goethe, or Mozart, or Einstein. On the behalf of the society it is advantageous for the talented spend his/her youth on research than on education. Therefore we can expect more inventions from them, be they scientific theory or painting masterpiece. Eventually we see how wise it is to invest in the special training programs.
In conclusion, I believe identification and special education for gifted children is necessary for the society. These projects should be carried out without hesitation, and the society will find it a strikingly wise decision as the talented make contributions in all aspects of life.
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