Abstract : The article explains t he role and f ut ure t rend of IT indust ry , and states t hat information technology represented by t he internet and comp uters has brought about t he t hird indust rial revolution in history.
An important impetus for economic growt h in modern times , t he IT indust ry has greatly p romoted sustainable development and is profoundly changing mankind’s way of life and production. In discussing t he development t rend of world IT indust ry , t he article suggest s that with potential new breakthroughs in IT technology , t he t rend of agglomeration and integration of indust ries has become increasingly obvious , competition of intellectual properties and st randards is intensifying and ubiquitous networks is taking shape. It point s out t hat China should bring into bet ter play t he role of IT indust ry as an“amplifier”in economic growt h , a“t ransformer”in development mode and a“propeller”in indust rial upgrading. It is important to follow a policy t hat emp hasizes indepandent innovation , market2driven approach , open and compatible technologies , integrated and comprehensive application , and serving both military and civil p urposes , so t hat a quant um leap of IT indust ry will be achieved. China should advance indust rialization with IT technologles and promote t he IT indust ry in the cour se of indust rialization in an effort to build an IT industry with Chinese characteristics. Greater effort s should be made to develop such core sectors as microelect ronics , comp uter , sof tware , key component s and material s , as well as sectors wit h international competitiveness , including broadband mobile communication , next2generation network and information services. Continued improvement should be made in t he policies guiding t he development of IT indust ry wit h a view to making China a count ry with a st rong IT indust ry by 2020.
Key words : information technology industry ; industrial development ; development st rategy ; new age ; China
有些英语学习者觉得学习和记忆英语词汇太枯燥乏味,因而产生畏难情绪,影响了他们学习英语的积极性和效果。 由于英语和汉语分别属于两种不同的语系,差异很大,要学好英语词汇的确不容易。不过,尽管如此,不是所有的英语词汇都是枯燥无味的。相反,有些英语词汇,而且应该说有相当数量的英语词汇具有鲜明、生动、具体的形象。你一看到它们,只要稍加思考,理解它们包含的形象,就会在脑中产生联想,留下深刻...
(1)英语单词的准确数量,没有正式的统计,语言学家一般认为,英语单词(不包括专用词汇、人名、地名等),大约有17万个,其中约7万个是已经或者即将废弃的,因此英语单词的大致数量是10万个。 (2)英语单词中,不会连续出现三个相同的字母,但如果我们给单词添加后缀,则可能出现这种情况,比如governess(女总督)变成governessship(女总督职务)。 ...
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