are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car, etc?
do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why?
role does music play in your life?
you tell something about your hobby?or what do you like to do in your spare time?
did people use for correspondence in the past?what do they use now?which way of correspondence do you think will be the most popular in the near future?why?
6.Are you a sports fan?what sports do your like most?
7.Tell something about yourself and your family.
8.How can a student become a successful language learner?
9.Could you tell me some piece of recent news about China?
kinds of gifts have you received?Do you like them or not?In your opinion,what should people keep in mind when sending each other gifts?
11.Do you have any good friend?How can you keep friendship alive?
12.Could you describe your latest travel in detail?
13.Doyou think it is necessary for a family to have dinner together twice or three times or more a week?And why?
do you think it necessary to improve your English?
1 are the main festivals in your hometown?Are there any special activities during the festivals?
do you think are the biggest difficulties for part-time students?And how do you plan to cope with these difficulties?
is your favorite movie?How did you come to love it?
18.Some people believe that newspaper and the Internet are the best sources of news.Others think that the news is better presented on radio or of these sources of news do you prefer?And why?
19.Do you like to eat at home or in the restaurants?what are the advantages and disadvantages of the two choices?
20.Do you prefer to study alone or with other people together?And why?
商务英语由于所处的环境,所做的工作不同,就会有特定的专业用语。如果你是在酒店工作,但是工作需要你懂得商务英语,那么大家就要努力学习相关知识。如果你不太清楚该怎么办的话,下面就是酒店商务英语句子,有需要的朋友别错过哦! Greetings (打招呼) 1、Good morning ,sir(madam) •早上好,先生(小姐)...
经典语句You look great today. 你今天精神很好啊。Jenny 去理了个发,回来的路上遇到了好友。刚开始,好友没有认出她,仔细一看,朋友惊呆了"Hi.You look great today. Your haircut is so wonderful." Jenny很高兴,也有些疑惑,心想:我只是把头发理了一下,...
In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for!生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或...