[1] Day Clothes about 1050 1050年日常服装
This man and woman wear the basic medieval garments: a tunic, probably of wool, slightly fitted with a high neck and long sleeves, usually worn over a linen shirt.
[2] Lady's Day Dress about 1490 女士们在1490年的入场穿着
This lady (left) of about 1490 wears a rich gown of thick material brocaded with gold.
[3] Man's Formal Clothes about 1548 男士们在1548年的正装
This gentleman wears an over-gown with full upper sleeves adding breadth to his shoulders, fashionable from about 1520.
[4] Lady's Formal Dress about 1610 女士们在1610年的正装
This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long, pointed and stiff.
[5] Man's Day Clothes about 1738 (left) 男士在1738年的日常装束(左)
This gentleman wears a smart summer suit, with the coat more tightly fitting than at the end of the 17th century.
[6] Day Clothes about 1825 1825年的日常装束
The lady's dress assumes a new outline. The waist has dropped to natural level and the sleeves and skirt are wide and full.
[7] Day Clothes about 1872 (left) 1872年的日常装束(左)
This dress is described as a 'seaside costume'. A gathered 'overskirt' supported on a 'crinolette' makes the back the most important feature.
[8] Lady's Day Dress 1906 1906年的女士日常装束
This summer dress, though worn over a 'hygienic' straight-fronted corset, is far from plain. It is made in soft pale material, trimmed with much embroidery, lace and ribbon.
[9] Day Clothes 1941 (left) 1941年的日常装束(左)
The lady's suit was designed in 1941 when materials were restricted because of war.
[10] Day Clothes 1967 (left) 1967年的装束(左)
By 1966 Mary Quant was producing short mini dresses and skirts that were set 6 or 7 inches above the knee.
1966年Mary Quant设计了迷你裙,这种裙子的长度在膝盖以上6-7英尺。