

Sample Question: Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


头脑风暴可述理由 Brainstorming:


1. It is necessary to develop the tourist trade, for it contributes a lot to increasing understanding between nations. 有必要发展旅游产业促进不同国家了解。

2. As the saying goes, “Seeing is believing.” Only a trip to an unfamiliar land can help us understand the people and culture there. 只有一次旅行不能够使人了解文化和人民。

3. Since tourism helps increase understanding between people, it will finally wipe out prejudice against other nations, and make the world a more peaceful one. 旅游增加不同人了解,利于消除偏见促进和平。

4. Tourism contributes significantly to marry countries’ GNP( Gross National Product). The economy of some nations is based on the tourist industry. 旅游显著促进GNP,很多国家依附于旅游业。

5. Tourism helps develop a nation’s commerce because tourists are most likely to buy souvenirs wherever they go. 旅游促进国家经济因为旅行者走到哪买到哪。

6. Tourism helps accelerate a city’s construction. 旅游促进城市的消费。

7. Contact with tourists from afar widens the horizon of the local people. 与远道而来的游客交流有助于拓展当地人的视野。

8. Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. 旅游业为许多人提供了就业机会,有助于解决或缓解失业这一社会问题。

9. The tourist trade gives people a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world and the wonders of mankind. 旅游业让人们有机会欣赏世界上的美景和人类奇迹。

10. Tourism will help people learn about different cultures of the world. 旅游帮助人们了解世界上不同的文化。





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