Well, I know many people like it but I think it’s wrong. Yes, these days it is quite popular to go on these chat lines, but I think it’s not very good. A lot of people think the environment is getting better but frankly I think it’s getting worse.
I’m afraid it’s wrong. I don’t think so. I’m afraid what you think about….is not quite right. Sorry, that’s not at all right. No, you’ve got it all wrong. I think the information you have must be incorrect. If I may say so, it is not the case. If I may say so, you are mistaken there. I’m sorry, there are some misunderstandings here. It doesn’t seem correct to say… I can’t accept that. I couldn’t agree with you less.
Let me give you an example. Take…for instance…. An example of this would be And as evidence of that Let me cite a few instances To exemplify this theory To illustrate my point To make it clearer to you …such as…
If you allow your traditional customs to disappear, this will have a very bad effect on your culture. If everyone were to eat fast food, we would have a lot of health problems to deal with. If animals were to disappear, we would indeed be showing our irresponsibility to the animal kingdom.
The biggest difference between construction about 20 years ago and today is that 20 years ago much construction was done manually.
One large way that big cities differ from small cities is the air. Yes, there are quite a few differences between the way children and adults make friends. A good example is the way they just start using each other’s toys happily without needing permission.
Big cities have more opportunities than small cities. University life is more interesting than middle school life. Families in the past were more dependent on each other, but now they are more independent. There were fewer cars on the roads 20 years ago, compared to now.
在同样的时间内,雅思考试的听力有40道题,只能听一遍,BEC高级只有30道题,而且放两遍。那么这两项考试对比,哪个更难,下面,我们一起来详细了解。各个部分的难度比较:(一)听力:雅思:1. 短文填空 (难度:★★★)2. 选择题(单选或双选)+段落选择题 (难度:★★★)3. 选择题+短文填空 (难度:★★★...
很多小伙伴为了出国留学,会选择考雅思。要想考出高分的雅思成绩,那么掌握方法很重要。下面,沪江小编给大家分享应该要怎样才能考到雅思七分,大家可以作为学习的参考。 听读结合法 学习语言的第一步是模仿。模仿的第一步是去“听”和去“看”,这就引出了第一种备考方法——听读结合法。当然,听读结合法的名字也告诉我们,要想学好英语,单单去听或单单去读是没有效果的。最好的方...