

Part III             Vocabulary and Structure        ( 20 minutes)
41. Susan stood motionless at the end of the diving board, hands at her side, heels slightly
     raised, every muscle    __ action.
     A) anticipating                         B) to anticipate
     C) anticipated                          D) having anticipated
42.   _______  about the bookkeeper's honesty, the company asked him to resign.
     A) There be some questions             B) There are some questions
     C) There have been some questions      D) There being some questions
43. He   _______  his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.
     A) retained        B) concealed        C) conceived        D) shielded
44. He finished the paintings, _______ for the exhibition.
     A) for some time                       B) in good time
     C) from time to time                    D) time after time
45. But for his courage, the battle _______
     A) was lost                             B) will be lost
     C) would lose                           D) would have been lost
46. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _______
     A) urgency        B) danger           C) emergency       D) crisis
47. Such being the case, I see no  _______  for your complaints.
     A) foundation      B) base             C) grounds          D) sources
48. News writers are expected to be clear and accurate, the form in which they write or speak is
     _______ to that requirement.
     A) superior        B) secondary        C) inferior          D) contrary
49. The soil was so  _______ that I was hardly able to force a spade into it.
     A) muddy         B) compact         C) slack            D) fertile
50. The foreign - language publications are growing in volume and _______
     A) appreciation     B) circumstance     C) rotation          D) circulation
51. The wine glasses were so_______  that I was afraid to carry them home by bus.
     A) flexible         B) delicate          C) shaky           D) tender
52. The program has been  _______ by lack of funds.
     A) hampered       B) intervened       C) hammered       D) insulated
53. _______ , heat is produced.
     A) Certain chemicals are mixed together
     B) That certain chemicals are mixed together
     C) Whenever certain chemicals are mixed together
     D) The mixing together of certain chemicals
54. Captain Jones  _______  that he had fired five bullets from Hoffman's gun and that he had
     the shells of those bullets with him.
     A) purified        B) magnified       C) testified         D) intensified
55. Much of the equipment was lying  _______  because of a lack of spare parts.
     A) helpless        B) vacant           C) idle              D) lonely
56. _______ does he know that the police are about to arrest him.
     A) Few           B) Only            C) Seldom          D) Little
57. By signing this application, I ask that an account  _______ for me and a credit card issued
     as I request.
     A) be opened      B) opens            C) is opened        D) will be opened
58. The poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside _______
     A) interference     B) inaccessibility    C) interruption      D) irregularity
59. Henry Ford's introduction of the assembly vastly reduced the time it took _______
     A) on making a car                     B) to make a car
    C) for making a car                     D) in making a car
    The latest survey of 50 young couples in that city shows the average cost for a wedding has
    doubled the  _______  of 1986.
     A) size            B) number          C) figure           D) quantity
     It was only after the failure of the talks that the government decided to resort
     A) for            B) in              C) at              D) to
62. Even though we had been to her house several times before, we did not remember _______
     A) what street it was on                B) what the street it was on
     C) what street was it on                D) what a street it was on
63. The earthquake   _______ not have come at a worse time for the war - torn country.
     A) could          B) must            C) would           D) might
64. In  _______ with the new regulations, all tickets must be stamped.
     A) combination    B) agreement       C) connection       D) accordance
65. China has greatly _____ its influence in world affairs.
     A) spread         B) scattered        C) extended        D) distributed
66. He asked his sister to look after his children  _______   his death.
      A) in the event of                      B) in view of
      C) on account of                        D) on the edge of
67. We are sorry that, because of a fire in our factory, we are unable to fill your order for auto
      parts We suggest that you order from Jones Supply Company until we are able to
       _______   production.
      A) release          B) recover          C) resume          D) regain
 68. Lhasa is unique _______   it is the highest city in China.
      A) that           B) in that          C) for that         D) but that
 69. Why are you always suspicious  __ anyone who is kind to you?
      A) of             B) with            C) towards         D) for
 70.  _______   rose in his imagination several interesting specimens that had never appeared on earth before.
       A) Here           B) It               C) Where           D) There
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