How Should Parents Help Students to Be Independent
In recent years, floods of parents are willing to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And there’s no denying that a majority of children take their parents’ concern for granted. According to statistics, over 80% of parents still accompany their children to universities, even examinations. In this essay, I will discuss the measures that should be taken to help students be independent and offer my view on it.
First and foremost, parents should abandon the stereotyped role in Chinese parenting and render their children free to the fascinating world. Besides, they, the children themselves, should manage their own daily stuffs. In addition, the society should set up more courses and camps for children to cultivate their capability to be independent.
As far as I’m concerned, the all-covering parenting method may give rise to severe consequences, and a spoiled child won’t be competitive in this world, which is full of fierce competitions. Thus, the whole society should attach great importance to this problem and make our contribution to avoid this.
此次四级作文仍然是常考的议论文文体。属我们课堂上练习的第一类议论文:现象解释型议论文。所考题目为父母包办一切热点话题型,所以写作套路基本上可以按照我们hot issue 型模板进行微调写作。
1、 文章directions 只有两段,这样按照平时的三段式作文的话,大家可以自由多加一段即可,比如在1和2之间加一个话题:比如父母包办一切的原因;或者是此种做法带来的后果等等。
2、 第一段在引入话题的时候,可以用我们课上所讲画面内容中译英的方法,将大家首先想到的内容用英文表达出来。
3. 在讲原因或者影响及措施时, 大家可以结合社会现实,家长溺爱孩子和现在的孩子独立性差都表现在哪些方面,如:生活不能自理,甚至升学,进大学以后,更有甚者工作后的“啃老族”等等都可以写,相应的措施也应从家长,社会及孩子本身等方面写起。
4、就题目而言,independent 是四级高频词汇,在写的过程中,一定不能在出新拼写错误,那样失分就可惜了。
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