As is depicted in the cartoon, the girl, instead of answering her dad directly, tells her father to read her blog when asked about her performance in school.
文章的重点还是主体段落的因果分析。如这次四级作文“过度包装”的中间部分就可以同时分析这种现象的原因和影响。但这次的六级作文明确要求写“impact”。大家知道,影响可以有正反之分。其实,这道题和2009年的考研写作“网络的近与远”如出一辙。所不同者:考研作文中的图画中我们看到的不是父女对答,而是无数人类都在一张巨大的蛛网上忙碌。可谓异曲同工。其实,四、六级作文与考研题目的巧合远非这一次。2009年的考研写作中的书信写作主题就和2008年四级作文“On Disposable Products”完全相同。
2011年12月四、六级写作主题“Strong Will Is the Key to Success” 就是新东方四级写作教材第十三篇范文“The Way to Success”。这次的六级考试作文题目又和新东方四级教材第三十篇范文“The Internet”完全相同。一下是教材原文:
Owing to the speedy economic development, the number of people who use the Internet has considerably increased. It is universally acknowledged that the Internet plays a crucial role in modern society.
Due attention has to be paid to the issue of the Internet. With the reform and opening-up in recent decades, people in mounting numbers have come to realize the significance of the Internet. Unfortunately, if we let this situation continue as it is, we do not know where humans will be in the forthcoming future.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control the Internet. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of people that the Internet is essential to us. Only in this way can we solve the problem.
当然这篇文章有它的缺憾:空洞。但空洞的文章也有一个“好处”:稍加增减就可以“变身”为一篇同样题材的新作。实际上,这篇文章字数138,作为六级作文字数稍短。增加一点网络交流的影响就是一篇高分作文。那么,增加什么呢?这很简单。在我们的课堂中,会分门别类的介绍各种题材的相关内容。如科技类话题的:Instead of waiting weeks for a letter, we can “talk” with our friends at every corner of the world thanks to the advent of the Internet. Unfortunately, while facilitating communication, this new invention also alienates people because, when we are attracted by the virtual world, we are likely to be left with less time to stay with people in the real world.
爱的力量 (《新东方神娃》电影主题曲) - 李敬你是我心中潺潺的甘泉轻轻地带走忧愁和阴霾只留下甜蜜的爱与温暖你是我心中星星的笑颜让闪闪的微光洒进心田一路相随跨过河流山川爱的力量让我变得勇敢坚强有你的陪伴冲破黑暗艰难爱的力量为我...
本文由上海新东方学校国内考试部 贾从永独家供稿,转载请注明出处!!!09专四语法与词汇全真试题>>相关链接:09专四阅读参考答案...
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第一部分:词汇选项1 eternal-everlasting(A) 2 wrecked-damaged(B) 3 authentic-genuine(C) 4 lure–attraction(A) 5 puzzle—mystery(C)6 irritated—annoyed(A) 7 duplicated-copied(...