What is your purpose for the visa?
What will you do in the US? Are you going to study in the US?
What degree will you pursue?
What are you going to study?
Tell me something about your course?
What's the difference between your research now and in the US?
How do you know this University?
Why do you choose this University?
How long will you study in the US?
Have you got any scholarship?
Why do you want to study in the US?
Why do you want to pursue a master/doctor's degree?
Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master/doctorate degree now?
How many universities did you apply? (4-5 universities and list all the names and majors)
Any other school admits you?
When are you leaving for the US? When are you going to the US?
1. Do you have a BS/BA/MS/MA degree?
2. When/where did/ will you get your BS/BA/MS/MA?
3. What is your dissertation about?
4. What is your academic background?
6. What is the most difficult class that you have?
7. You got a low score on ****, why?
8. What's your favorite subject and why?
9. What is your TOEFL/GRE score?
10. When did you take the TOEFL/GRE test?
1. What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?
2. What is your academic goal?
3. How much do you think you will earn if you come back to China?
4. You can also earn that amount of money in the US, why do you think you won't stay in the US?
5. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? Why will you come back to China? (Focus on your career plan.)
6. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back? So could you tell me why only 7% Chinese students come back after they finish their study in the U.S.?(Don’t judge other people, just say things like you don’t know about their specific situation, the fact that they didn’t come back doesn’t apply to you. You have a clear career plan, etc.)
Where were you born? (Where is your hometown?)
How old are you?
Are you married?
Have you ever been abroad? When? For what?
Do you have any relatives in the United States? (No!)
What do your parents do?
Do you have sisters or brothers?
Have you ever been to other countries?
How much is your tuition?
How much is your total cost per year?
Who will fund your study in the U.S? Who is going to sponsor you?
How much will they sponsor you for your future study?
Where is the money from?
What do you parents do?
What are their main duties in their jobs?
How much can they earn for one year? What’s their annual income?
六、其它问题 (optional)
What is your dream?
What is the thing you like best in America, or the thing you like best in China?
Then what is the thing you don't like most in China?
What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?
How long have you been in Beijing/Shanghai?
What's you hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
What is your favorite American movie?
Where is your HUKOU(户口)?
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Where is she? Do you think your girlfriend/boyfriend will keep relation with you during your study in the US?
由于一些经济发展迅速的国家对美国签证的需求量猛增,美国国务院表示,将在签证审理方面投入更多的人力和物力资源,会特别高度重视使领馆重要资源的需求,令审理进度紧追签证需求增长。尤其是,对中国和巴西这两个需求量最大的国家,美国将于2012财政年增加1/3的签证审理量。请看《中国日报》的报道:Several steps, such as re...
赴美留学,除了英语关要过之外,最重要的就是签证关了。要注意的是,虽然美国签证官被要求要秉公办事,但是他们对申请人的判断首先是假定每位申请人都有移民倾向。赴美签证诀窍 要说回国理由>>留学美国五大误...