46. C. Specify in what ay their products are green.
47. D. They are not clear which products are truly green.
48. C. It misled consumers to believe that its products had been certified by a third party.
49. C. It was in conformity to the prevailing practice in the market.
50. B. Each business acts its own way in green labeling.
51. B. It contributes little to the elimination of inequality.
52. B. Lack of financial resources.
53. C. Demand higher pay for teachers.
54. D. Student performance has a lot to do with teachers.
55. A. It protects incompetent teachers at the expense of students.
有人喜欢猫,有人喜欢狗。那你是猫奴(cat person)还是狗奴(dog person)呢?据说喜欢不同的动物也能折射出你内心不同的个性特点哦!英语中跟小猫小狗有关的习语也有很多,看看你认得几个:Rain cats and dogs 是天空中下起了小猫小狗雨吗?Cat and dog life 是养猫又养狗...