A: Hi, Steve, long time no see. How is your summer holiday?
B: Very good. And you?
A: I couldn’t feel better. Now the new semester is coming, I’ll devote myself to studying?
B: You’re right. Have you decided on which elective courses to choose?
A: Not yet. I am still considering it. But I tend to choose the courses which are helpful to my professional knowledge. And you?
B: I think differently with you. I regard elective courses as extending my interests and broadening my horizon. So I’d like to choose the courses which I am really interested in.
A: Maybe you’re right. But when looking for a job after graduation, it is the professional competence that matters.
B: Yes, you’re right. Maybe I should make a balance.
A: I will too. I’m happy to share my opinions with you.
B: I’m happy too. Good-bye!
A: Bye!
有关学院: 根据现行研究生培养方案实施的具体情况和研究生导师的建议,拟增设一批博士研究生课程。每位校内在聘博士生导师可为博士生开设1门选修课(需开设2门的,由本人申请,经学院审核,研究生处批准)。 请将本学院拟开博士生选修课《课程目录》于9月19日前报研究生处培养科;《课程简介》和《教学大纲》于10月8日前报研究生处培养科。过期将不列入本学期开课目录。...