

201. municipal [mjuː'nɪsɪpl]


✎ 示例:

He works in the municipal government. 他在市政府工作。

202. narrate [nə'reɪt]

vt.①叙述 ②(给纪录片或节目)作解说

✎ 示例:

The discovery of Maderia is narrated with all the exaggeration of romance.人们在讲述马德利岛的发现过程中,用了大量的浪漫、夸张的手法。

203. naughty ['nɔːti]


✎ 示例:

What a naughty child! 这孩子真皮!

204. negate [nɪ'ɡeɪt]

vt.①取消,使无效 ②否定,否认

✎ 示例:

You can negate me, but not my love for you. 你可以否定我这个人,但是不要否定我对你的感情。

205. nude [njuːd]

a.裸体的 n.裸体艺术品

✎ 示例:

He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes. 他是澳大利亚最为杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画、风景画和裸体画而闻名。

206. obese [əʊ'biːs]


✎ 示例:

Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people. 胖人常常比瘦人血压高。

207. odo(u)r [ˈəudə]

n.①(尤指难闻的)气味 ②臭味

✎ 示例:

I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans. 我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味。

208. optimism ['ɒptɪmɪzəm]


✎ 示例:

Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness.(Roosevelt) 乐观是一种优秀品质,但如果过分乐观就是愚蠢了。(罗斯福)

209. opt [ɒpt]


✎ 示例:

He didn't exactly opt out because he never opted in.确切地说他并没有退出,因为他压根儿就没有参加。

210. organism ['ɔːɡənɪzəm]

n.①生物 ②有机组织

✎ 示例:

Not all chemicals normally present in living organisms are harmless. 并不是所有常见于生物体中的化学物质都无害。

211. outbreak ['aʊtbreɪk]


✎ 示例:

He was born just before the outbreak of the war.他生于战争爆发前不久。

212. outdated [ˌaʊtˈdeɪtid]


✎ 示例:

Our methods of management are too outdated and simplistic. 我们的管理方式过于陈旧单一。

213. outskirts [ 'aʊtskɜːts]


✎ 示例:

Hours later we reached the outskirts of New York. 我们几小时后到达了纽约市郊。

214. overdue [ˌəʊvə'djuː]

a.①(到期)未付的 ②早该发生的

✎ 示例:

The library called in all overdue books.图书馆要求把所有逾期未还的书收回。

215. overhear [ˌəʊvə'hɪə]


✎ 示例:

I overheard their conversation.我无意中听到了他们的谈话。 

216. oversee [ˌəʊvə'siː]


✎ 示例:

It's not my responsibility to oversee new staff.监督新员工可不是我的责任。

217. oversight ['əʊvəsaɪt]

n.①疏忽,忽略 ②负责

✎ 示例:

I had the oversight of their collection of books and manuscripts. 我负责照管他们收藏的书籍和手稿。

218. overthrow ['əʊvəθrəʊ]n. [əʊvə'θrəʊ]vt.

n.推翻 vt.①(尤指用武力)推翻,打倒 ②摒弃

✎ 示例:

He was arrested for attempting to overthrow the government.他企图推翻政府,因而被逮捕了。

219. ozone ['əʊzəʊn]


✎ 示例:

Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultraviolet light. 臭氧由氧气和紫外线发生反应而产生。

220. paddy ['pædi]

n.①稻田 ②(常sing.)(BrE)发火,发怒

✎ 示例:

What was formerly a sandbank has now become fertile paddy fields. 原来的沙滩如今变成了米粮川。

221. paperback ['peɪpəbæk]


✎ 示例:

A paperback edition is now available at bookshops. 平装本现在在书店可以买到。

222. paradox ['pærədɒks]

n.①悖论 ②自相矛盾的人(或事物、情况)

✎ 示例:

The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life.大地的奥妙在于它既生长万物,亦埋葬万物。

223. pastime [ 'pɑːstaɪm]


✎ 示例:

Playing cards is our favorite pastime when we travel by train.打牌是我们乘火车旅行时最喜欢的娱乐消遣。

224. payroll [ 'peɪˌrəʊl]

n.①工资名单 ②(常sing.)(公司的)工资总支出

✎ 示例:

They had 87 000 employees on the payroll. 他们在编员工有87,000名。

225. peanut [ˈpiːˌnʌt]


✎ 示例:

The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil. 东方人不吃黄油,他们更喜欢对健康非常有益处的花生油。

226. pearl [ 'pɜː(r)l]


✎ 示例:

She wore a string of pearls at her throat. 她戴了一串珍珠项链。

227. peril [ 'perəl]

n.①(严重)危险 ②(常sing.)祸害

✎ 示例:

Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat. 许多物种由于我们破坏了它们的自然环境,现在正面临灭绝的危险。

228. persevere [ˌpɜːsɪ 'vɪə]


✎ 示例:

They persevere in spite of all kinds of difficulties.尽管有各种困难,他们还是坚持下去。

229. pessimism ['pesəˌmɪzəm]


✎ 示例:

He looked upon his parents' quarrels with growing pessimism and apathy.他对父母的争吵越来越悲观和不关心。

230. petty [ 'peti]

a.①小的,琐碎的 ②小气的,小心眼的

✎ 示例:

I think that attitude is a bit petty.我觉得那种态度有点小题大做。

231. pirate ['paɪrət]

n.①海盗 ②侵权者 vt.盗版

✎ 示例:

It was said that the pirate buried their treasure on this island.据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上。

232. plumbing [ 'plʌmɪŋ]

n.①自来水管道 ②水暖工的工作

✎ 示例:

Plumbing and electrics are installed to a high standard. 管道设备和电路按照高标准安装。

233. preach [priːtʃ]

v.①讲道 ②鼓吹

✎ 示例:

Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise is far better than none at all.现在健康专家都在宣扬,即使是少量的运动也远比根本不运动好得多。

234. proficient [prəˈfiʃnt]


✎ 示例:

After two years of living and working in China, Ms. Berman is proficient in Mandarin.在中国工作和生活了两年后,Berman的普通话已经非常熟练了。

235. profound [prə'faʊnd]

a.①深奥的 ②见解深刻的

✎ 示例:

Reading makes a full man,meditation a profound man,discourse a clear man.(Franklin)博览群书使人充实;冥思苦想使人深邃;探讨论证使人明辨。(富兰克林)

236. prose [prəʊz]


✎ 示例:

Shute's prose is stark and chillingly unsentimental. 舒特的散文平铺直叙,没有感情,让人感觉冷冰冰的。

237. proverb ['prɒvɜːb]


✎ 示例:

An old Arab proverb says, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” 一句古老的阿拉伯谚语说,“敌人的敌人是朋友。”

238. quantify ['kwɒntɪfaɪ]


✎ 示例:

It is difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms are reluctant to declare their losses.由于各家公司都不愿意公布所受的损失,所以很难得出一个精确的数字。

239. quota ['kwəʊtə]

n.①定额,配额,限额 ②定量,指标

✎ 示例:

The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers. 该法案将迫使雇主在招聘工人时采取限额制度。

240. refrain [rɪ'freɪn]


✎ 示例:

How shall I refrain from tears when we part? 我们分手时,我怎么能抑制住眼泪?

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