本场对话的主题为“保护鸟类”, 鸟类是人类重要的朋友,许多养鸟、爱鸟,甚至把鸟儿视作自己的生命。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“保护鸟类”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:
Protection of Birds
It is widely known that harmonious co-existence between man and nature performs an essential role in social development. Based on this common sense, we should do something for the protection of birds.
There are several measures we can take to response to such a call. First of all, the departments concerned should organize necessary educational activities so as to make people realize the great significance of the protection of birds. In addition, efforts should be focused on strengthening legislation and enforcement, which is a hard but effective way. Last but not least, experts in the study of birds should provide professional suggestions on how to build nature reserves for the protection of birds.
Protecting birds is an indispensable part for maintaining the ecological balance. In order to achieve sustainable development, all of us should shoulder this responsibility.
【题目】科学家发现鸟在听到其他类的鸟警告predator时会向自己的种族警报,于是假定鸟会Decode. 但这个还是不确定,因为鸟可能看到其他鸟逃跑才获取信息的。于是实验:放一种鸟的警报录音,同时确定周围实际没有捕食者。结果是其他鸟发出警报。于是科学家认为鸟会DECODE。问评价,我选了是否鸟听到不熟悉的叫声就会恐慌,所以警报。【逻辑分析】鸟类听到...