Topic 2 Integrate Chinese Culture into College Education 将中国文化融入大学教育
As a result of globalization and convenient interaction among different nations, a variety of native cultures are being or have been lost.
It’s true of Chinese culture as well.
We may easily recognize all sorts of English courses in college education curriculum but few of Chinese culture.
And these indicate that Chinese traditional culture has been ignored in college education.
As we all know, traditional culture represents the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages and is a rich heritage to every Chinese.
For college students, successors of modernization construction, mastering of Chinese cultures particularly of significance.
Besides, traditional culture education can promote the cultural awareness and patriotism among college students.
Therefore, it’s necessary and beneficial to integrate Chinese culture into college education.
To achieve this, colleges and universities should take effective measures to preserve the native culture.
Cultural awareness should be promoted both through the courses and extracurricular activities.
As for college students, we should actively be involved in the culture education.
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