Topic 3 My View on Wide Spreading SMS 我对群发短信的看法
Nowadays, more and more young people have joined the clan of thumbs.
They use SMS as their major communication channel.
It is also reported that SMS is the most frequently used function for the mobile phone users inChina besides making calls.
SMS has brought us many advantages.
Firstly, with the tip of your finger, messages including words, digital pictures and music can besent to another user within seconds.
Secondly, you can send one message to many users without rewriting it.
What’s more, compared with making calls, SMS is much cheaper because the provider charges only 0.1 yuan per message.
However, short messages disturb our life sometimes.
Spam messages are quite annoying, and there are an increasing number of victims who have been cheated or fooled by them.
As for me, I prefer this way of communication.
It gives me much convenience to my daily life.
But I also hope some measures should be taken to punish those spreading spam messages so that we can enjoy the modern information technology safely.
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