How a poor abandoned Parisian boy became a top chef?
36.Careme was among the first chefs who stressed both the appearance and flavor of dishes.
37.Careme wanted to show to later generations that French chefs of his time were most world.
38.Careme benefited greatly from serving a French diplomat and his connections.
39.Careme learned his trade from a famous dessert chef in Paris.
40.Careme's creative works were exhibited in the shop windows by his master.
41.Careme's knowledge of art and architecture helped him create extraordinary desserts out of ordinary ingredient.
42.Many people in Paris were eager to have a look at the latest sweet food made by Careme.
43.Careme became extremely wealthy by cooking for rich and socially ambitious families.
44.Careme's writing dealt with fundamental cooking principles in a systematic way.
45.Careme's contribution to French cooking was revolutionary.
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