

Passage 1 “持续运动原则”‘keep-moving principle’使得万物都能保持良好的状态,我们应该尽可能使自己的一生中都有事可做,不要停滞下来。

Related to the ‘use-it-or-lose-it law’ is the ‘keep-moving principle’. We learned about stagnation from nature. A river that stops moving gets smelly. The same thing happens to people who stop moving, either mentally or physically. Those who play contact sports know that [9] the player who usually gets hurt the most is the one who is standing still. Of course, you’ll need some time to catch your breath every so often, but the essential massage is keep moving, extending and learning. Ships last a lot longer when they go to sea than when they stay in the harbor. The same is true for the airplanes. You don't preserve an airplane by keeping it on the ground, you preserve it by keeping it in service. We also get to live a long healthy life by staying in service. [10] Longevity statistics reveal that the average person doesn't last very long after retirement. The more we’ll hear is don’t retire. If a fellow says “I’m 94 years old and I worked all my life”, we need to realize, that is how he got to be 94, by staying involved. George Bernard Shaw won a Nobel Prize when he was nearly 70. Benjamin Franklin produced some of his best writings at the age of 84, and Pablo Picasso put brush to canvas right through his eighties. Isn’t the issue how old we think we are? [11] A bonus with the ‘keep-moving principle’ is that while we keep moving, we don’t have a chance to worry. Hence we avoid the dreaded paralyses by analysis.


Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q9. What does the speaker say about players of contact sports?

They are likely to get hurt when moving too fast

They believe in team spirit

C) They need to keep moving to avoid getting hurt

They have to learn how to avoid body contact


Q10. What do longevity statistics reveal about the average person?

A) They do not have many years to live after retirement

They tend to live longer with early retirement

They do not start enjoying life until full retirement

They keep themselves busy even after retirement


Q11. What bonus does the keep moving principle bring us according to the speaker?

  1. It prevents us from worrying

It slows down our aging process

It enables us to accomplish in life

It provides us with more chances to learn


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