Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A number of college students choose to return to their hometown, by take civil service examinations to get a less competitive job. They enjoy the quieter and slower life in a small town.
While many more graduates will choose big cities, as there are more big companies which means more opportunities to see a bigger world and more space for their career development. In big cities, they may earn more money even though it also means higher pressure including high prices and high rent. Further more, the higher pressure is mainly reflected in their work. They may work for long hours a day and a week. The hot topic about 996 which means 12 work hours a day and 6 days a week. The youth burn their vigour even their to exchange for a better life in the big cities. They may suffer more pressure and be very busy, but all the experience will become priceless memory in their whole life. No matter what kind of life you’ll choose, it’s important to clearly know what you want.
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大学期间没有了高中时期家长和老师的督促骤然来到一个轻松的新环境容易出现懈怠心理,从而对自己的未来发展产生影响想在大学里面展现更好的自己先要有一个笼统的规划再一步步实现职业规划的目的是能够保证未来发展方向,更有条理和步骤的向着目标努力,避免长时间的迷茫。 1.职业规划...
沪江网校英语六级终极预测:职业规划Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college gradua...