

2019年5月大学英语四级考试第五场个人陈述为music; 即音乐给我们生活带来的影响。提到音乐大家并不陌生,相信很多考生还有自己喜欢的音乐形式,喜欢的歌手。而这些,都可以成为我们口语描述的素材。大家可以结合自身的经历,来谈谈音乐给自己的生活带来的影响,小编给大家支招:该话题比较灵活,可以融入自己的歌星,自己的演唱会经历,自己的特长,与生活衔接紧密,但最终都需要由个人归纳到整体的宏观影响层面来。下面是小编的范本,供各位考生参考。

To be honest, I think music exert great influence on me personally. I love music, not any particular music genre though, my taste of music is actually quite mixed up. I think music expresses various kinds of human souls, which I like very much. For example,I am a rock buff and like all kinds of rock music, say, metal core, industrial metal, classic rock and melodic death metal. My favorite rock band is Oasis. They have been helping me get through my tough days ever since I first listened to their songs. 

Music exert substantial influence on public, especially the young. There are many famous singers who specialize at pop music in China, attracting millions of fans at all ages. My favorite pop singer is Jay Chow, whose music career has long been a huge success ever since his first debut in Taiwan.

Besides, nowadays, many young people have learned to play, more or less, at least one music instrument. Take myself as an example, I once learned to play the harp when I was little. My mother taught me how to play the harp since she is a music teacher specializing at this musical instrument. But later, I had to give it up due to my heavy studying burden. I’d like to learn it again in the future if possible.

All in all, music influence people in numerous aspects of our life. Music can relief our pressure and adjust our emotions. Personally, I believe it is quite important to learn to play a musical instrument. Therefore, one can have a deeper understanding about music and its theory. With music, people can learn to appreciate the beauty of rhythm and express their emotion, enjoy their life.


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