Hotpot in China has a history of more than two thousand years. In the earliest days, it was only popular in the coldest areas. Later on, it became very common in many areas, and hotpot with local features also appeared. When eating hotpot, family and friends sit around a table and the steaming hot hotpot is placed at the center of it. People can put in the pot meat, seafood, vegetables, as well as other ingredients according to their own tastes. That is, they cook themselves. They also chat as much as they like while enjoying their meal.
有人喜欢猫,有人喜欢狗。那你是猫奴(cat person)还是狗奴(dog person)呢?据说喜欢不同的动物也能折射出你内心不同的个性特点哦!英语中跟小猫小狗有关的习语也有很多,看看你认得几个:Rain cats and dogs 是天空中下起了小猫小狗雨吗?Cat and dog life 是养猫又养狗...