泼水节(the Water-Splashing Festival)是傣族(the Dai minority)最隆重的传统节日。泼水节一般于公历四月中旬开始,持续3-7天。在傣族的历法中,泼水节就是新年。在云南省众多的少数民族节日中,泼水节影响力最大、参与人数最多。泼水节这一天,傣族人盛装打扮,带着清水到佛寺。他们首先为大佛(Buddha)沐浴,接着开始互相泼水,以此带来好运、快乐和健康。你被泼的水越多,你得到的幸运将越多,你的生活将越幸福。傣族人也邀请其他少数民族和游客共同庆祝泼水节。
The Water-Splashing Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Dai minority. It usually begins in mid-April of the solar calendar, lasting three to seven days. the water-Splashing Festival is the New Year on the Dai calendar, and also a festival with the largest influence and maximum participating population among lots of minority festivals in Yunnan Province. During this festival, Dai People will get dressed up and carry clean water to the Buddhist temple. They will first take a shower for the Buddha and then begin to splash water with each other for bringing good luck, joy and health. The more water you are splashed, the more luck you will have, and the happier you will be. Dai People will also invite people from other ethnic minorities and tourists to celebrate the festival together.
1.最隆重的传统节日:“隆重的”译为ceremonious,“传统节日”译为traditional festival,故“最隆重的传统节曰”即the most ceremonious traditional festival。
2.公历四月中旬:“公历”即solar calendar, “中旬”可用mid-表示,故“公历四月中旬”可译为 mid-April of the solar calendar。
3.影响力最大、参与人数最多:可译为with the largest influence and maximum participating population,作festival的后置定语。
4.盛装打扮:dress up本身就有“盛装打扮”的意思,“盛装”无需重译。
5.为大佛沐浴:“为…沐浴”可译为take a shower for...; “大佛”即the Buddha。
6.带来好运:即bring good luck。该词组在有关中国文化的文章中经常出现,因为绝大部分的中国文化习俗等都是为了给人带来好运。
7.越来越:可用固定句式the more...the more...表达。
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大学英语四级翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要提前储备一些常考话题材料。下面小编为大家整理了英语六级翻译练习题库,希望对大家的备考有帮助。英语四级翻译练习题:泼水节泼水节(Water-Spri nk|ing Festi va|)是傣族最隆重的节日,也可以称之为傣族的“新年”。泼水节已有700...