井冈山地处湖南江西两省交界处,因其辉煌的革命历史被誉为“中国革命红色摇篮”。1927年10月,毛 泽 东、朱德等老一辈革命家率领中国工农红军来到这里,开展了艰苦卓绝的斗争创建了第一个农村革命根据地,点燃了中国革命的星星之火,开辟了 “农村包围 (besiege)城市,武装夺取政权〞这一具有中国特色的革命道路,中国革命从这里迈向胜利。井冈山现有100 多处革命旧址,成为一个“没有围墙的革命历史博物馆’,是爱国主义和革命传统教育的重要基地。
Jinggangshan, located at the boundary between Hunan and Jiangxi Province, is well known as "the birth place of Chinese revolution”, due to its glorious revolutionary history. In October, 1927, the old revolutionists including Mao Zedong and Zhu De, led the Chinese labor workers and peasant army here to launch the arduous struggle. It was also in Jinggangshan that they fought to establish the first rural revolution base, ignite the sparks of Chinese revolution, and paved a revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics to ''besiege the cities with the countryside and seize the central power with military force." It is right from here that the Chinese revolution has marched towards its eventual success. With over 100 revolutionary sites, Jinggangshan itself has become a museum of the Chinese revolutionary history and an important base for patriotism and education of traditions stemmed from the revolution.
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井冈山下种南瓜 - 儿歌词:颂今曲:颂今小锄头呀手中拿手呀么手中拿呀井岗山下种南瓜种呀么种南瓜呀挖个坑呀下颗子呀瓢瓢泉水催催芽阳光照哟哎哎呀呀阳光照哟雨露洒哟哎哎呀呀雨露洒哟长长的藤儿长长的藤儿爬上架哟爬上架哟...
井冈山下种南瓜 (Live) - 小红星歌唱组合词:张海浪曲:颂今小锄头呀手中拿手里格手中拿呀井岗山下种南瓜种里格种南瓜呀挖个坑呀下颗耔呀瓢瓢泉水催催芽阳光照哟哎呀呀里格阳光照哟雨露洒哟哎呀呀里格雨露洒哟...
一、招生人数 我校2016年拟招收攻读社会工作硕士专业学位研究生40名(实际招生名额以国家教育部下达数为准)。学习年限,二年。 二、报考条件 按照教育部规定,符合下列条件,可以报考我校硕士研究生,参加全国统一招生考试。 1.中华人民共和国公民。 2.拥护中国共产党的领导,愿为社会主义现代化建设服务,品德良好,遵纪守法。...