Educators and business leaders have more in common thanit may seem…
46.C) They help students acquire the skills needed for their future success .
47.A)By blending them with traditional ,stimulating activi-ties.
48.B)By playing with things to solve problems on theirown.
49.C) Encourage them to make things with hands .
50.B) Develop students' creative skills with the resources available .
Being an information technology ,or IT,worker is not a job l envy.
51.B)It does not appeal to him.
52.C) Many employees are deeply frustrated by IT
53.D) Employees become more confident in their work .
54.D) Think about the possible effects on their employees .
55.A)By designing systems that suit their needs .
爱的力量 (《新东方神娃》电影主题曲) - 李敬你是我心中潺潺的甘泉轻轻地带走忧愁和阴霾只留下甜蜜的爱与温暖你是我心中星星的笑颜让闪闪的微光洒进心田一路相随跨过河流山川爱的力量让我变得勇敢坚强有你的陪伴冲破黑暗艰难爱的力量为我...
本文由上海新东方学校国内考试部 贾从永独家供稿,转载请注明出处!!!09专四语法与词汇全真试题>>相关链接:09专四阅读参考答案...
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第一部分:词汇选项1 eternal-everlasting(A) 2 wrecked-damaged(B) 3 authentic-genuine(C) 4 lure–attraction(A) 5 puzzle—mystery(C)6 irritated—annoyed(A) 7 duplicated-copied(...