三星堆遗址(Sanxingdui Ruins)是迄今在西南地区发现的规模最大的古蜀国遗址,被誉为“世界第九奇迹”。三星堆还出土了10,000多件文物(cultural relics),其历史均可追溯到公元前5,000到3,000年。这些文物包括制作精美和造型奇特的金器、陶器和象牙制品。对研究早期国家的进程及宗教意识的发展有重要价值,在人类文明发展史上占有重要地位。
Sanxingdui Ruins, known as the "The Ninth Wonder of the World", are the largest ruins of the ancient Shu Kingdom discovered so far in Southwest China. Sanxingdui site has also unearthed more than 10,000 cultural relics, all dating back to 5,000 to 3,000 BC. These cultural relics include gold, pottery and ivory products with exquisite craftsmanship and peculiar shapes. They are of great value to the study of the process of early countries and the development of religious consciousness and occupy an important position in the history of human civilization.