




中国国画(Chinese traditional painting)起源于约6000年前。纸张发明以前,人们主要用陶器(pottery)和丝绸作画。随着唐朝经济和文化的繁荣,传统国画逐渐兴盛起来。山水画(landscape)是中国国画的主要种类之一,主要描绘了中国各地的山川大河和瑰丽的自然风光。几个世纪以来,国画的发展折射了时代和社会的变迁。当今,经典国画主要收藏和展览于美术馆,供中外游客欣赏。


Chinese traditional painting dates back to about 6,000 years ago. Before paper was invented, the pottery and silk were mainly used for painting . With the economic and cultural prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, it has gradually gained prosperity. The landscape is one of the major kinds in traditional Chinese painting, mainly depicting great mountains and rivers in various places and the gorgeous natural landscape of China. Over the centuries, the growth of Chinese painting has reflected the change of time and social conditions. Nowadays, the classic Chinese traditional paintings are mainly collected and exhibited in art museums, and appreciated by tourists from China and abroad.


人物画 figure painting

山水画 landscape

花鸟画 flower-and-bird painting

诗集 peotry

诗文 poem

诗人 poet

书法 calligraphy

印章篆刻 seal engraving

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