丝绸之路 (the Silk Road) 是中国古代的一条商业贸易路线 (trade route)。丝绸之路以古代中国的政治、经济、文化中心——古都长安为起点,一直延伸至中亚、北非和欧洲。它最初的作用是出口中国生产的丝绸。随着时间的推移,丝绸之路逐渐变成了一条连接东西方的主要道路,促进了东西方的经济文化交流。后来,有学者把所有沟通中西方的商路统称为丝绸之路。
The Silk Road is a trade route in ancient China. It started from the ancient capital Chang’an that was the center of politics, economy and culture in ancient China, and stretched all the way to central Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Its original function was to export the silk produced in China. As time went by, the Silk Road gradually became the main road connecting the East and the West, promoting the economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties. Later, some experts refer to all the trade routes between China and the West “theSilkRoad”.
中文:丝绸之路英文翻译:the Silk Road...
丝绸之路 (Silk Road) - 韩伊妹词:韩伊/乐洋曲:明仔/乐洋编曲:明仔当黑夜遮住了双眼当迷雾切断了退路这条路究竟还有多远才找到我要的那份幸福当风沙拂过我的脸庞当泥泞沾满了双脚要做一匹坚强的骆驼就算伤痕累累也不会哭顶...
丝绸之路 (Live) - 杨晓词:张连春曲:张连春楼蓝的正午公元前的边关悠悠的驼铃回荡了几千年古老的情人中亚细亚草原隔世的梦里深蓝色的眼我看见流沙河水我看见大漠孤烟我看见谣不可及的地平线我看见丝路万里...
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