01 广场舞
在中国,当人们晚上路过公园或广场时,经常能看到广场舞(square dancing)。由中老年妇女组成的群体伴随着高亢的音乐起舞已经成为城市中的一道美丽的风景。人们普遍认为,这种活动可以延缓衰老。它能够让人们保持清醒的头脑,有更好的记忆力。然而,广场舞占据了很大的空间,并且声音总是很大,这对于其他人的正常生活造成了不好的影响。在某些城市,由于附近居民的持续抱怨,广场舞和高声的音乐被禁止了。有关部门正在考虑为其划分特定的区域。
In China, it is common to see the square dancing when people pass by public parks or wide-open squares in the evenings. Groups of middle-aged and elderly women dancing to the loud music have become a beautiful view in the urban areas. It is widely admitted that this activity can slow down the aging process. It can help people keep clear-minded and have better memories.However, square dancing takes up too much space and its music is always too loud, which has a bad influence on other people's normal life. In some cities, due to the continuous complaints from residents living nearby, square dancing and loud music have been forbidden. Dividing fixed regions for them has been taken into consideration by related departments.
02 京杭大运河
京杭大运河工程开始于公元前5世纪,运河大概在1 000多年以前通航,至今它仍是中国主要的交通要道之一。京杭大运河北起北京,南到杭州,流经四省,贯穿海河、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,绵延约1 794千米。作为世界上最长、最古老的人造水道,它不但将中国北方和南方的经济紧密地联系在一起,现在也已经成为一个重要的旅游景点。
Works on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal began in the 5th century BC, and the canal was open to navigation roughly over 1 000 years ago. It is still one of our nation’s major transportation arteries today. The canal stretches for about 1 794 kilometers from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. It flows through four provinces, and links five major water systems of the Haihe River, the Yellow River, the Huai River, the Yangtze River and the Qiantang River. As the longest as well as the oldest man-made waterway in the world, the Grand Canal has provided a close economic link between the North and the South of China and has now become a major tourist attraction.
03 冬奥会
冬季奥林匹克运动会是世界上规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一届。第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会在中国举行,这是中国历史上第一次举办冬季奥运会。本届冬奥会的吉祥物(mascot)是以中国的国宝熊猫为主形象的“冰墩墩(Bing Dwen Dwen)”。“冰”,象征纯洁、坚强,是冬奥会的特点。“墩墩”,意喻敦厚、健康、活泼、可爱,契合熊猫的整体形象,象征着冬奥会运动员强壮的身体、坚韧的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。
The Winter Olympic Games, the largest comprehensive Winter Games in the world, is held every four years. The 24th Winter Olympic Games has been held in China, which is the first Winter Olympic Games in Chinese history. The official mascot of the 2022 Winter Olympics is Bing Dwen Dwen, whose main image is a giant panda, China’s national treasure. "Bing", a symbol of purity and strength, is the characteristic of the Winter Olympic Games. "Dwen Dwen", meaning honesty, health, liveliness and loveliness, fits the overall image of pandas and symbolizes the strong body, the tough will and the inspiring Olympic spirit of the athletes in the Winter Olympics.
04 天坛
北京的天坛(the Temple of Heaven)建于明代永乐年间,与紫禁城几乎同时完工(1420年)。永乐皇帝由南京迁都北京,他所做的一件重要的事就是到天坛大祭天地(Heaven and Earth)。这所祭坛自建造至今,经历了近六百年的风雨,如今它静卧在北京的南城。这个占地面积近紫禁城四倍的庞大庙宇群(temple complex),以它独有的魅力吸引着四方之人。天坛表达的对天敬畏的思想凝结的是中国人对天崇拜的观念。
The Temple of Heaven in Beijing was constructed during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, and completed in 1420, which was about the same time of the completion of the Forbidden City. When Emperor Yongle moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, one of the important things he did was to perform a ritual of paying tribute to Heaven and Earth at the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven still lies in the south of Beijing with a history of about 600 years. The Temple of Heaven, a large temple complex covering an area nearly four times as large as the Forbidden City, keeps attracting visitors from around the world with its unique glamor. The awe for Heaven shown by the Temple of Heaven represents reverence of ordinary Chinese people for Heaven.
05 电商直播
电商直播一直是人们关注的焦点。经过短短几年的时间,凭借特有的高粘性(high stickiness)和高转化率,它已成为备受追捧的行业新宠。电商直播一次次刷新自己创下的销售纪录。在不断创下新高的数字背后,是一场关于消费者、商家以及电商平台的狂欢(carnival)。当今社会充满着机遇与挑战,这就要求参与电商直播的主播们,不仅要有一定的沟通互动能力以及自己独特的直播风格,还要与厂家保持良好的合作关系,这样才能立于不败之地。
E-commerce live streaming has always been the focus of attention. After just a few years, it has become a new favorite of the industry with its unique high stickiness and high conversion rate. The e-commerce live streaming broke its sales records again and again. Behind the high record figures, there is a carnival about consumers, businesses and e-commerce platforms. Today's society is full of opportunities and challenges, which requires anchors of e-commerce live streaming not only to have certain communication and interaction skills and unique live streaming style, but also to maintain a good cooperative relationship with manufacturers. Only in this way can they remain invincible.
【跟外教学英语系列】【口语天天向上】每日一说:人人心中都有成功者 ...