孔子(Confucius)是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家,儒家学派(Confucian School)的创始人。相传孔子有弟子三千,贤弟子72人,孔子曾带领部分弟子周游列国14年。在中国五千年的历史上,对华夏民族的性格、气质 (temperament)产生最大影响的人就算是孔子了。他正直、乐观向上、积极进取。他一生都在追求真、善、美,一生都在追求理想的社会。他品格中的优点,几千年来影响着中国人,特别是影响着中国的知识分子。
Confucius is a famous ideologist, educator, and the founder of Confucian School in ancient China. It's said he has 3,000 disciples, 72 out of whom are excellent ones, and he has led some disciples to visit various states for 14 years. During 5,000 years' history of China, it's Confucius who has exerted the greatest impact on Chinese nation's characteristic and temperament. He is upright, optimistic, active and enterprising, striving for truthfulness, kindness and beauty, and seeking for an ideal society all his life. The shining points in his characteristics have been influencing the Chinese people, especially the Chinese intellectuals for thousands of years.
中文:孔子诞辰英文翻译:confucius' birthday...
《论语》孔子语录选 - 光光词:孔子曲:王叙然学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎...
翻译是英语考试中的常见题型,小到普通测验大到专业的翻译考试,都有它的身影。那么在英语翻译中,很多常见的俗语或者名人名言大家知道该怎么翻译吗?这可不是临场发挥就可以的,它是有一定的翻译规范的。下面就是孔子语录句子的英语翻译,来看看吧。 性相近也,习相远也。 By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they...