四级翻译 6 大技巧
例如:北京烤鸭源于600年前的明代。来自全国各地的厨师被挑选出来到京城为皇帝做饭。(2020 年9月四级真题)
[参考译文] Beijing roast duck originated in the Ming dynasty 600 years ago, when chefs from all over the country were selected to cook for the emperor in the capital.
[分析]这里就是运用了合译的技巧,when 指代 600 years ago。
例如:这本书反映了 30 年代的中国社会
[参考译文] The book is reflection of Chinese society in the1930s.
在英语中被动语态 (be done) 的使用频率要远远高于汉语。所以在汉译英中,我们尽可能多的使用被动语态。
[参考译文] China provides millions of online retailers with an opportunity to sell their goods at a very competitive price.
[分析]销售商品,其实就是销售零售商他们的商品,其中的 their就是根据译文需要添加上的。
例如“经济领域的改革“中的“领域”一词可以省略,只译成“reforms in the economy”或“economic reforms”就足以表达原文中的信息。
译文:Since ancient times, the seal has been the symbol of status and power.
Sth which starts from...to..., is the +最高级+ in the world.......从...开始,到...,是世界上最......(18 次)。
真题: 大运河北起北京,南至杭州,是世界上最长的人工河。(21年12月四级)
译文: The Grand Canal, which starts from Beijing in the North to Hangzhou in the south, is the longestzman-maderiver in the world.
6、A enjoys great popularity .......受欢迎。(8 次)
译文: Winning the title of China's Famous Tea for the unique fragrance and flavour, Longjing enjoys great popularity at home and an increasing number of consumers abroad.
7、It is one of the+形容词最高级... 它是...最...之一。(18 次)
真题: 它是中国历史上最宏伟的工程之一(21年12月四级)
译文: It is one of the greadest projects in Chinese history.
8、It is universally acknowledged as...... (9 次)它被普遍认为是......。
真题:卢沟桥被公认为石桥建筑史上的一座丰碑。(22 年6月六级)
译文: The Lugou Bridge is universally acknowledged as a monument in the architectural history of stone bridges.
9 、A is the birthplace of...and plays an important part in.......是......的发源地,在......中发挥着重要的作用。(6次)
真题:是长江的发源地。(17 年6 月四级).
译文:....which is the birthplace of the Yangtze River.
10、Yunnan, with the average altitude of..., is a province.....是中国的一个省份,平均海拔......。(4 次)
真题: 青海是中国西北部的一个省份,平均海拔 3000 米以上。(21年6月六级)
译文: Qinghai is a province in northwest China with anaverage altitude of over 3, 000 meter.
11、..., most of whom/that/which... .......他们大多数.....(14 次)
真题:云南居住着 25 个少数民族,他们大多有自己的语言习俗和宗教 (21年6月六级)译文: Yunnan is home to 25 ethnic minorities, most ofwhom have their own language customs and religions.
12、With a total area/length of... (数字) square meters(17 次)
真题:总建筑面积 55 万平方米。(22年9 月六级)
译文: With a total construction area of 550,000 squaremeters.
13、One...the other...另一个......。(9 次).....
真题:一件是登长城,另一件是北京烤鸭。(20 年9 月四级)
译文:One is to climb the Great Wall, and the other is to eatPeking duck.
14 、A contributes to doing sth......有助于.....(12 次)
真题:经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳,延缓衰老。(21年6 月四级)
译文: Drinking Longjing tea frequently contributes toalleviating fatigue and delaying the aging process.
15 、... which was built in....... is...meters long and....meters wide.(5 次)建在/于.....,长.....,宽....。
真题: 赵州桥建于隋朝,公元 605 年左右,长50.82米,宽 9.6米。(22年6月六级)
译文: The Zhaozhou Bridge ,which was built in the SuiDynasty around 605 AD , is 50.82 metres long and 9.6metres wide.
16、.......located at/on/in..., is haild as...地处.......被誉为......
真题:中央电视台总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区。(22 年9 月六级)
译文: The CCTV Headquarter Building is located in Chaoyang District.
17、...not only..., but also.........不仅......,而且... (39 次)
真题:不仅是一种实用物品,也是一种艺术形式。(22 年9月六级)
译文:......not only a practical article, but also an art form.
18、......was originally/mainly produced in+地点(7次)原产于/主要产自.....
译文:Tieguanyin is originally produced in Xiping Town,AnxiCounty, Fujlan Province.
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