题目要求: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.
1. 很多学生在开学伊始都会出现假期综合症
2. 出现这一现象的原因
3. 我的建议
Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students With the gloomy prospect of returning to school, many students could suffer from post-holiday syndrome, which refers to a general feeling of depression before returning to campus life, which is caused by irregular lifestyles during the holiday. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and a feeling of helplessness. Various reasons can account for it. But most important of all, a large number of students tend to overindulge themselves in eating, merrymaking and playing around during the holidays, which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus. My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows. First, exercising and sticking to a normal schedule over the holidays will make a difference and nip post-holiday syndrome in the bud. Besides, it pays to return a few days earlier before the semester starts. The early return seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay.
中文:午-帕-怀三氏综合症英文翻译:【医】Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome...
一、前言雅思写作大作文的重要评分标准之一就是语法的准确性和多样性。实际上,语法的准确性是保证一篇文章,且不说能否拿高分,能否合格的重要前提。语法这个前提不仅是很多考生写作项的致命伤,同时也是制约他们在听力、阅读和口语方面得分的软肋。考生的语法错误千奇百怪同时顽固至极,反复发作。分析认为,在众多错误中,there be句型的失误十分...
距离考试只有四天了,大家是激动不已呢?还是盼望着考试再晚点到来?是不是每看到半个小时过去了,就哀叹离考试又近了一步?是不是晚上做梦都是在考口译?是不是很有冲动把那一堆堆的参考书都扔掉呢?那么你很可能得了考前综合症啦~~其实不仅仅是口译考试,任何考试都有可能导致这些综合症,相信从小考到大的各位考试达人们对这几种症状都不陌生吧?如果还受到它们的困扰,那就真的要小心注意,调整心态啦~ ...
题目要求: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students. You should write at least 150 words following the outline gi...