



在中国,农村人口占相当大的比例。他们的收入远比城镇居民要低,抗风险能力更差,但是长期以来,他们却不能像城镇居民一样享受基本的医疗保障。为此,我国推行了一项前所未有的计划:在全国农村基本建立起新型的合作医疗制度(cooperative medicare system),以解决所有农民的医疗保障问题,使他们不必再为看不起病而犯愁。目前已有多个省份实行了这一新制度。

In China, the rural population accounts for a large portion. Their incomes are much lower than those of urban residents, and they are more vulnerable to risks. But they have not been entitled to the basic medical security like urban citizens for a very long period of time. Therefore, an unprecedented project has been launched in China to build a new cooperative medicare system in rural areas, which deals with the medical security issue of all the farmers and frees them from worries of being unable to afford a cure. Several provinces have taken a lead in employing the new system now.

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