1.…已很常见 it has become common to see that .….
2.很有可能…. it is likely that .….
3. 据说 it is said that .….
4.相对...而言 compared with
5.一定会 be bound to
6.往往 tend to do sth
7.早在...之前 long before...
8.而不是 rather than
9.…的组成部分 part of
10. …的快速增长 the rapid growth of ..
11.不可或缺的一部分 an indispensable part of
12.不同程度地 to varying degrees
13.在许多方面 in many aspects
14.值得一提 it is worth mentioning
15.对...很重要的是…. What matters to….is
16.这些...的人 Those who ….
17.随着...的发展 With the development of .
18.由...决定做. (事情) It is up to …. to do sth.
19.对...而言做…很有必要 It is necessary for sb to do sth.
20.这太….以至于... It is so …. that ....
21.…成为了最受欢迎的之一 …had become one of the most popular .….
22.…是…的结合,可以追溯到 …is a combination of …, dating back to .….
23. …的原因是…. The reason why …. is that….
24.该到...的时候了 It is high time that …. (did) .….
25.这是第一次…. It is the first time that … (have done)
26.让我们感动的是 what moved us was that ...
27.让我们吃惊的是 what surprised/amazed us was that .….
28.让我们失望的是 what disappointed us was that ...
29.对...而言,做.….是很方便的 it is convenient for sb to do sth
30.当提到….时,… when it comes to … …
31.对...而言,….是不必要的 there is no need for sb to do sth
32.毫无疑问的是… there is no doubt that .….
33.恰巧…. there happens to be.….
34.大家普遍相信… it is generally believed that ...
35.…是没有意义的 there is no point in doing
36.无法否认的是…there is no denying that...
37.很显然的是… it is obvious/apparent that
38.…是天经地义的 it is often taken for granted that .….
39.我会感激的,如果你能…I would appreciate it if you could .….
40.…可以被分为以下几类 Sth can be classified into several categories that
41..成为了最受欢迎的..之一… has become one of the most popular …..
职场工作中,特别是商务会谈中,说话是个大学问。 一个人不可能每时每刻正儿八经地讨论工作流程、进度,或是和客户商谈生意细节。 很多时候,你需要说一些不太重要的话来笼络双方感情,或填充对话时间。 ...
学习商务英语主要是用于职场中,所以一些职场常用句式是必须要掌握的。这是需要大家在平时的学习中不断的积累的。今天为大家整理了商务英语常用句式,欢迎大家阅读。商务英语常用句式1 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing.那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什...
英语学习是一个艰苦奋斗的过程,在学习的过程中,只有策略和技巧是不行的,还要有恒心和毅力。今天我们为大家整理了商务英语写作常用句式,欢迎大家阅读。我在行李房托运行李。 I checked my baggage in the baggage section.他猜想火车会很早到达。 he guessed the train would come in early....
商务英语考试难度比较大,在备考的时候要全面,听说读写样样都不能够落下。尤其是写作方面,今天我们为大家整理了商务英语写作常用到的句式参考,欢迎大家阅读。表示变化1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.2)A great change will cer...