allege vt.断言,宣称,硬说
Students occasionally allege illness as the reason for absence. ;学生时不时会称病缺课.
ascribe ;vt.(~to)把…归因于, 把…归属于
After Brazilian's being defeated by the Bolivian, ;巴西足球队被玻利维亚队 击败后,
the helpless chief coach of the Brazilian Football Team ;无奈的巴西队主教练
ascribed their failure to bad luck. ;将失败归结于运气不佳.
cling vi.(~to)紧紧抓住 (或抱住)黏住,挨近; 依附,依恋;坚持,墨守, 忠实于
The pretty model wore a silk dress ;漂亮的模特儿穿着一身紧 身绸缎装,
that clung to her figure and walked gracefully on the stage. ;仪态万方地出现在舞 台上.
The old gerneration tend to cling to their traditional values. ;老一辈人往往恪守着他们 传统的价值观.
complement vt.补充,与…相配 n.补充,互为补充的东西; 编制的名额,装备定额
Love is the complement of the law. ;爱的精神是法律的补 充物.
Roses in a silver bowl complement the handsome cherry table. ;银碗中玫瑰更为这张漂亮 的樱桃色桌子添彩.
conserve vt.保藏,保存;节约
We must conserve our forests if we are to make sure of a future supply of wood. ;为保证未来木材的供应, 我们必须保护森林.
We now have a global shortage of water, ;现在是全球化的缺水,
therefore we have to learn to conserve water. ;所以大家必须学会节约 用水.
cumulative a.累积的;渐增的
The cumulative effects of many illnesses made grandpa a weak man. ;多种疾病长期的折磨使祖 父虚弱不堪.
destiny n.命运;定数,天命
Do you believe marriage is the result of destiny? ;你认为婚姻是命中注定 的吗?
Destiny brought us together. ;命运把我们连在一起.
distort vt.歪曲,曲解; 扭曲,使变形 vi.变形
Metal distorts under stress. ;金属在压力作用下变形.
Stop distorting what I said. ;不要曲解我的话.
empirical a.以经验(或观察)为 依据的,经验主义的, 经验的
Many empirical results supported the hypothesis. ;很多经验性结论都可证 明假设成立.
expedition n.(为特定目的组织的) 旅行,出行,远征;远征队 探险队,考察队,迅速
The Eight-Power Allied Expedition captured Beijing ;八国联军攻占了北京,
and set fire on the Imperial Garden Yuanmingyuan. ;把圆明园付之一炬.
flap n.片状垂悬物(信封的口 盖,衣服的袋盖等);飘动 摆动(翅的)振动;激动,
The bird flapped its wings and flew away. ;鸟振翅飞去.
The sails were flapping gently in the wind. ;船帆随风摆去.
Everything was going on smoothly;there was no flap. ;一切都很顺利,没有慌 乱现象.
hamper v.妨碍,束缚,限制
Many modernists think that rhyme and metre hamper the poet's free expression. ;很多现代派诗人认为韵 律妨碍了诗人的自由发 挥.
hypothesis n.假设,假说,前提
This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments. ;这仅仅是一个尚未被实验 证明的科学假说.
indefinite a.无限期的;不确定的, 含糊的
He gave me an indefinite answer. ;他含糊其词地回答了我.
installment n.分期付款,分期交付; (分期连载)的部分
Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments. ;许多白领人士用分期付款 的方式买房子.
intuition n.直觉
Intuition is the act or faculty of knowing or sensing ;直觉即是能知道或感觉的 行为或能力
without the use of rational processes. ;未经理性的论证过程
linear a.线的,直线的,线状的; 长度的;线性的
The pupil made great efforts to work out the linear equation. ;那个小学生费了九牛二虎 之力去解决这个一次方程 式.
miniature n.缩小的模型,缩影; 微型画;微型人物像 a.微小的,缩小的
Games are real life in miniature. ;游戏比赛是现实生活的 缩影.
obedient a.服从的,顺从的
Do all parents like obedient and well- behaved children? ;所有父母都喜欢顺从和 循规蹈矩的孩子吗?
paradox n.似乎矛盾而(可能)正 确的说法;自相矛盾的 人(或事物)
Your answer to the question is a paradox. ;你对这个问题的回答矛 盾百出.
"More haste,less speed" is a paradox. ;“欲速则不达”是个似是 而非的隽语.
persistent a.坚持不懈的,执意的; 持续的
The persistent suitor made persistent efforts and succeeded eventually. ;这个百折不挠的求婚者经 过执着的努力,终于如愿 以偿.
prestige n.声望,威望
The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige. ;历史悠久的牛津大学和剑 桥大学仍然享有很高的声 望.
prolong vt.延长,拖延,拉长
The Congress agreed to prolong the MFN ;美国国会决定将对于越南 的最惠国
(most-favored-nation) treatment to Vietnam by one year. ;(最惠国)待遇延长一年.
restrain vi.(~from)抑制, 克制,戒除 n.(诗歌的)叠句,副歌
She retrained herself from scolding her child until the guests left. ;她强忍住不责骂孩子,直 到客人都走了.
revision n.修改,修改,修正; 修订本,修订版;温习, 复习
To keep pace with times,the law is in need of frequent revision. ;为了跟上时代的发展, 法律需要不断地修订.
skeptical a.表示怀疑的
I am always skeptical of/about the Chinese Football Team's chance of winning. ;我对中国足球队的获胜机 会总是表示怀疑.
subscribe vi.订阅,订购(书籍等); 同意,赞成 vt.捐助,赞助
What newspapers have you subscribed for? ;你订阅了哪些报纸?
How much did you subscribe to the Hope Project? ;你为希望工程捐助了多 少钱?
temperament n.气质,性格
The poet is highly nervous and volatile in temperament. ;诗人生性神经过敏, 喜怒无常.
transaction n.交易,业务
All transactions,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically. ;所有的交易活动,从跑银 行到买东西,都可通过电 脑来完成.
veto vt./n.否决
The President exercised his veto against the Congressional bill. ;总统对国会的法案行使了 否决权.
vulgar a.粗野的,下流的, 庸俗的,粗俗的
The houses and cars of the newly rich are huge but vulgar. ;那位爆发户的房子和车子 都硕大无比,却也俗不可 耐.
Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered a vulgar act in England. ;按英国规矩,用餐刀将 食物送入口中算是失仪.