
[六级词汇] CET6淘金词汇第十二课 lesson12


address n.地址,住址;演讲, 讲话;
Leaving email addresses to each other ;互留电子邮箱地址
address vt.(在信封或包裹上) 写姓名地址;向…作 (正式)讲话;称呼
is a fashionable way of keeping in contact among young people nowadays. ;是现在年轻人时髦的 保持联络的方式.
How should I address you? ;我应当怎样称呼您呢?

assign vt.指派,选派;指定 (时间,地点等);分配; 布置(作业)
The two governments assigned a day ;两国政府确定了
for the next summit meeting between President Putin and President Bush. ;下一次普京与布什会晤 的日期.
The competent secretary was assigned to take the minutes ;这个能干的秘书被选派为
for the meeting of the board of directors. ;董事会议做记录.

attribute vt.把...归因于;把(过 错,责任,成功等)归于 n.属性,特性
Many people's sucess can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck. ;很多人的成功都可以归于 勤奋加上一点儿运气.
Stubbornness is considered the attribute of mules. ;顽固被认为是骡的特性.

compel vt.强迫,迫使
Because he is unable to distinguish colors, ;因为无法分辨色彩,
the color-blind boy is compelled to give up the ideal of becoming a fashion designer. ;那个色盲的男孩不得不 放弃成为服装设计师的 理想.

complaint n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉, 控告;疾病
He who makes constant complaints gets little compassion. ;[经常诉苦,少人同情.
Regarding your difficulty,we have submitted an email to our complaint center. ;关于你们所面临的困难, 我们已经给我们的投诉中 心发了电子邮件.

confirm vt.证实,肯定;进一步 确定;确认;批准
The successfully cloned sheep Dolly confirmed the feasibility of ;绵羊多利的克隆成功证实 了克隆技术的可行性.
clone technology. ;克隆技术

consideration n.考虑,考虑的事; 体贴,关心
Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee. ;在选择足球裁判时不应该 把年龄作为首要的考虑 因素.
Although architecture has artistic qualities, ;尽管建筑具有艺术特性,
it must also satisfy a number of important practical considerations. ;它也必须考虑许多实用 因素.

constitute vt.组成,构成,形成; 设立,建立,任命
The employees is the Japanese company asked their boss ;这家日本公司的员工问他 们的老板,
if refusal to work on rest days constitutes a violation of contract. ;拒绝加班是否构成违反 合约.
Women,who constitute 52 per cent of Italy's population, ;妇女占意大利人口的52%
today represent only 35 percent of Italy's total workforce. ;却只占劳动队伍的35%.

convey vt.表达,传达,传递; 运送,输送
Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed. ;空气是声波传导的媒介.
What information the codes in the great Pyramid convey is still unknown. ;大金字塔中的密码到底传 递了什么信息仍然不为 人知.

crush vt.压碎,蔫碎;弄皱; 压垮
Wine is made by crushing grapes. ;葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成 的.
Time would crush all pains. ;时间会粉碎所有的痛苦.

decent a.象样的,体面的;宽厚 的,大方的;正派的,合 乎礼仪的,得体的
Ragged jeans are not very decent to wear to a ball. ;穿着破旧的牛仔裤在舞会 上显得不太得体.
Most university graduates consider white-collared positi- on as decent jobs. ;绝大多数大学毕业生 都认为白领职位是体面 的工作.

deliberate a.故意的,含蓄的; 慎重的,深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑,思考
I won't forgive you because of your deliberate lies. ;我不会原谅你,因为你存 心说谎.
Xie Jun checkmated the rival after the final deliberate consideration. ;经过最后的深思熟虑, 谢军将死于对手.
The Supreme Court of the U.S.A. ;美国最高法院研究
deliberate whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted. ;是否重新统计佛罗里达 州的选票.

dominate vt.在...中占首要地位; 支配,统治,控制;耸立 于,俯视
dominate vi.处于支配地位,拥有 优势

Although racial discrimination is not allowed, ;虽然种族歧视是不允许 的,
Europe and America are still a white-dominated society. ;但欧洲和美国仍是白 人统治的社会.

duty n.责任,义务;职责, 职务;税,关税
I'll have to go,I'm afraid--duty calls. ;看来我得走了-公务在身.

elegant a.优美的,文雅的,讲 究的;简练的,简洁的
Princess Diana's elegant manners are always within people's memory. ;戴安娜王妃优雅的举止总 是留在人们的记忆中.

enlarge v.扩大,扩展,扩充; 放大
Many newly-weds like to enlarge their wedding photo and hang it on the wall. ;很多新婚夫妇喜欢把结婚 照放大了挂在墙上.
In the course of English learning, ;在英语学习中,
doing more reading can help to enlarge one's vocabulary. ;多阅读有助于扩大词汇 量.

exceed vt.超过,越出 vi.(数量,程度)超过 其他
Exceeding the speed limit in the urban area would be fined. ;在市区内超速驾车会被 罚款.
The performance of the Chinese Youth Football Team exceeded our expectations. ;中国青年足球队的表现比 我们预料的好.

explit vt.开拓,开发,开采;剥削 n.[常p功绩,功勋, 业绩,英勇的行为
The Japanese employment system probably exploits women more extensively ;日本的就业制度使妇女在 更广泛的范围内受到剥削
than is the case in any other industrialized country. ;与其他工业化国家相比.
The social freshmen should exploit every opportunity to enrich their experiences. ;刚踏入社会的人必须利用 每一个机会积累经验.

fire n.火;火灾,失火;射击, 火力;热情,激情
The success in the Olympic bid has fired the Chinese people with great enthusiasm. ;申奥成功激起了中国人巨 大的热情.

fire vt.放(枪,炮等)射出(子 弹等);解雇,开除;激动 vi.开火,开枪
During the oral defen- se of your thesis,tut- ors and experts will fire questions at you. ;在论文答辩过程中,导师 和专家们会向你一连串的 发问.
The soldier showed perfect discipline under fire. ;在炮火下,士兵们纪律 严明.

fraction n.小部分,片断;分数
Many young people today begin to use their future money ;今天有许多年轻人开始花 起他们的未来钱
instead of a fraction of their earnings. ;而不是只花自己 收入的一小部分.

harness n.[常sin马具,挽具 vt.治理,利用;给(马等) 上挽具
The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart. ;农夫把马套在马车上.
Some scientists are working hard at how tide can be harnessed to produce electricity ;科学家正在努力研究怎样 利用潮汐发电.

initial a.开始的,最初的 n.[常p(姓名等的) 首字母
We have to admit that man's research into space is still in the initial stage. ;我们不得不承认人类对宇 宙的研究仍然处于初始 阶段.
If your family name is Chen, ;如果你姓陈,
you had better not choose an English name beginning with the letter W ;你最好不要选一个以字母 W开头的英文名
(for example,Winnie), otherwise your initials will be:W.C! ;(例如Winnie),否则的 姓名首字母就是(厕所) 了!

locate vt.探明,找出;把……设 置在,使坐落于
Li Siguang located the oil field,which proves that China is not a lean-oil country. ;李四光探明了油田的位置 证明了中国不是贫油国.
Most natural ports are located where the shoreline is irregular and the water is deep. ;绝大部分的天然港口都位 于海岸线不规则而又水深 的地方.

objective n.目标,目的 a.客观的,不带偏见的
Now,my sole objective of memorizing English words well ;现在我牢记英语单词的唯 一目的
is to get good marks in the College English Test Band 4. ;就是在大学英语的四级 考试中取得好成绩.
If we could have objective judgement on people, ;如果我们能对人做客观的 评价,
there would be less misunderstandings among people. ;彼此之间就会少些误会.

pattern n.型,模式,样式; 花样,图案 vt.仿制,使照…的样式
It seems that the pattern of white and black squares is always the fashion. ;黑白格子的花纹图案好像 永远都不会过时.
Paper patterns for dresses are now available for you ;裁衣服的纸型已有出售,
to pattern dresses on different models. ;你可以按照不同的样式裁 制衣服.

performer n.表演者,执行者,演奏者
Most of the great violin performers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries ;19世纪晚期和20世纪初 的绝大部分伟大的小提琴 演奏家
were born and brought up in Russian and Eastern Europe,and they were all Jews. ;都生于长于俄国和东欧, 而且全是犹太人.

preserve vt.维持;保存, 保藏;腌制
It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ;保护古迹并不那么容易,?
It takes money and technique. ;需要资金和技术.
You can preserve meat or fish in salt,but I prefer fresh meat to preserved meat. ;你可以用盐保存肉或鱼, 但我喜欢新鲜肉胜过腌制 的肉.

profession n.职业,自由职业; (the-)同业,同行
Teaching is a respectable profession. ;教师是令人尊敬的职业.
It is rather difficult to win acclaim from the professions. ;要赢得同行的好评是相当 困难的.

push vt.推,按;推动,推进; 催逼,逼迫 vi.推,推进 n.推,推力;促进,推进

resign vi.辞职 vt.辞去,放弃; (-to)使顺从; n.辞去(职务)
One has to push the child or he/she will do no work at all. ;孩子要有人督促,否则 他什么也不干.
I resigned because of the low salary. ;因为工资太低,我辞 职了.
Would you please resign yourself to waiting a bit longer? ;你能耐心多等一会儿吗?
My boss is coming back soon. ;我的老板很快就会回来.

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