1. consensus n. 意见一致;共识,同意
have /reach consensus on sth.
The two parties reached consensus on this issue.
2. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的,合乎逻辑的 n. 推论,结论
be consequent on /upon 跟着……发生,因……而起,随……而发生的 consequent succession 因果演替
His failure was consequent on his laziness.
3. conserve v. 保护;保存;节省
conserve 正式用词,指小心地使用难以补充的资源或贵重物品,免遭浪费和破坏,以备不时之需。
maintain 指保持原样,不增不减。
preserve 侧重将物品完好无损地保存下来,防止损害,变质等。
save 普通用词,指尽量少用,以争取数量上有所增加,比如存钱,save money。
store 普通用词,指将物品存放,以备将来使用。
Everyone should conserve trees.
4. consolidate v. 巩固;使联合,合并
Britain is trying to consolidate her position in the North Atlantic area.
5. conspicuous a. 显眼的,显著的,显而易见的
conspicuous 通常指因成绩卓著而引人注意,也可指因外观奇特、花哨或言行举止不合常规而引人注意。
outstanding 通常指因比同行或同类相比显得杰出、优秀,或具有他人或别的事物所没有的特征。
noticeable 指所描绘的事物引人注意。
remarkable 通常指因有与众不同的特点或优越性而引起人们注意或称道。
striking 侧重指给观察者留下强烈而深刻的印象。
The girl in red in the snowfield is very conspicuous.
6. contaminate v. 污染;弄脏
She is always worrying that the water is being contaminated by nuclear radiation.
7. contemplate v. 沉思;凝视
contemplate 通常指长时间的思考,有时含无确定目的的意思。
think 普通用词,指需要一定时间进行思考以形成某种想法或念头。
consider 侧重一时的对某事的考虑,也只长时间的深入的思考。
You must contemplate the results of the action.
8. contempt n. 轻视
hold in contempt 轻视,认为 self-contempt 自我轻视,自卑 bring contempt upon oneself 自取其辱,自讨没趣 hold sb. in contempt 鄙视某人
It seems that he holds Mike in contempt.
9. contend v. 竞争,争夺,奋斗;争论,辩论
contend 指为战胜或击败对手进行不懈努力,强调拼搏。也可指口头上进行有对立情绪或严重分歧的争论。
This firm is too small to contend against large multinational corporation.
10. contradict v. 相矛盾
What you said contradicts with what we had heard.
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