

2010年6月英语四级考试刚刚结束,同学们考得如何?沪江英语在考后第 一时间发布2010年6月本场考试的试题、答案等内容,敬请期待。这里是恩波教育为大家提供的2010年6月英语四级快速阅读答案


Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. C --- Her daughter’s repeated complaints

2. B --- people haven’t yet reached agreement on it’s definition

3. A --- can realize what is important in life

4. D --- it seriously affected family relationship

5. A --- depressed

6. C --- his family had intervened

7. B --- curb his desire for online gaming

8. has an Internet Addiction

9. for professional help

10. online dating




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