The mass distribution of internet-connected devices together with advances in cloud computing and software algorithms mean AI is ready to hit the mainstream like never before in 2018. Here are eight ways how it will happen.
You’ve heard of artificial intelligence – everyone from Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg couldn’t stop talking about it in 2017. But this year, AI will affect your life in tangible ways.
你肯定听说过“人工智能”—— 从埃隆·马斯克(特斯拉CEO兼董事会主席)到马克·扎克伯格(Facebook的首席执行官),2017年里几乎每个人都在不停谈论着它。但今年,人工智能将会以实际的方式影响你的生活。
“I believe 2018 is the year that this will start to become mainstream, to begin to impact many aspects of our lives in a truly ubiquitous and meaningful way,” says Ralph Haupter, president of Microsoft Asia.
The idea that computers have some amount of “intelligence” is not new, says Haupter, pointing as far back as 1950 when computer pioneer Alan Turing asked whether machines can think. “So it has taken nearly 70 years for the right combination of factors to come together to move AI from concept to an increasingly ubiquitous reality.”
他说,计算机拥有某种程度上的“智能”,这种想法并不新鲜。之后他指出,早在1950年,计算机先驱人物艾伦·图灵就曾思考机器是否可以思考。 “因此,将正确的组合因素结合起来,使人工智能从概念转化为日益普遍的现实,花了将近70年的时间。”
Those factors are the mass distribution and use of internet-connected devices, which generate massive quantities of data, and cloud computing and software algorithms that can recognise patterns within data, Haupter says.
他说,这些因素包括联网设备的大规模普及,产生了大量的数据; 以及可以识别数据模式的云计算和软件算法的出现。
The development of artificial intelligence will be the story of the coming generations, not just the coming year. But as 2018 gets underway, here are eight ways AI will begin to touch your life.
1. Everybody will have a virtual assistant, and they’re going to be pretty smart
1. 每个人都将拥有一个虚拟助理,并且他们都很聪明
“Personal assistant AIs will keep getting smarter. As our personal assistants learn more about our daily routines, I can imagine the day I need not to worry about [buying food for] dinner. My AI knows what I like, what I have in my pantry, which days of the week I like to cook at home, and makes sure that when I get back from work all my groceries are waiting at my doorstep, ready for me to prepare that delicious meal I had been craving.”
“拥有了人工智能支持的虚拟助理将继续变得更加聪明。当我们的私人助理更多地了解我们的日常生活习惯时,我可以想象出有一天,我无需再担心要去[买东西]准备晚餐 。我的人工智能管家知道我喜欢什么,我的食品柜里有什么,一周中的哪几天我喜欢在家做饭。并且确保当我下班回到家时,所有需要的食材都已经送到我家门口了,就等着我开始准备我一直渴望品尝的美味佳肴。”
– Alejandro Troccoli, senior research scientist, Nvidia
——英伟达公司高级研究科学家Alejandro Troccoli
2. All your voice-based gadgets will work together (and may get confused)
2. 你所有可语音控制的设备都将联动协作(且有可能出现混乱)
“Because of the popularity of voice-based personal assistants, we’re starting to see the technology embedded across a wide range of devices, from lamps to TVs to cars and beyond. In addition, after initial experiments with a single unit, many people have started putting smart speakers all over their homes.
“The practical net result is that sometime in 2018, a large percentage of personal assistant users will have regular access to multiple assistants simultaneously – often across multiple platforms. Combine that with the fact that in 2018 we’ll likely start seeing vendors enabling people to customise the trigger word for these various assistants to start listening and, well, it’s a quick recipe for disaster…
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly excited about the potential that voice-based interactions can bring to speakers and all our tech devices, but I’m concerned we could hit some serious roadblocks in 2018.”
– Bob O’Donnell, president, founder and chief analyst at TECHnalysis Research, a market research and consulting firm
——市场研究和咨询公司TECHnalysis Research的总裁,创始人兼首席分析师 Bob O'Donnell
3. Facial recognition will be the new credit card
3. 面部识别将成为新型信用卡
“Thanks to AI, the face will be the new credit card, the new driver’s license and the new bar code . Facial recognition is already completely transforming security with biometric capabilities being adopted, and seeing how tech and retail are merging, like Amazon is with Whole Foods, I can see a near future where people will no longer need to stand in line at the store.”
“因为人工智能,人脸将成为新型的信用卡、驾照和条形码。 面部识别技术已经完全改变了现行生物识别功能的安全性。现在科技和零售业开始进行融合,例如亚马逊收购全食超市,我能想象到在不久的未来,人们将无需在商店里排队。“
– Georges Nahon, CEO, Orange Silicon Valley; president, Orange Institute, a global research co-laboratory
——Orange Silicon Valley首席执行官及全球联合实验室Orange Institute主席Georges Nahon
4. Your boss is going to start to talk about AI
4. 你的老板将开始谈论人工智能
“As AI permeates the enterprise, everyone – from the CEO and business unit leaders to your middle managers and frontline employees – will need to be conversant in some basic terminology. Speaking the same language gets organisations on the same page and helps demystify AI’s role in the enterprise and what it means for business processes and workers.”
“随着人工智能渗透到企业和个人当中——从首席执行官和业务部门领导,再到中层管理人员和一线员工——每个人都需要熟悉一些基本术语。说同一种术语可以让组织机构保持在同一频道上,这使得人工智能在企业中的所扮演的角色变得更加容易理解,并且明确了它对业务流程和员工的意义 。”
– Chris Curran, chief technologist for PwC US, and Anand Rao, innovation lead for PwC’s US analytics group
——普华永道美国首席技术专家Chris Curran,及普华永道美国分析团队创新主管Anand Rao
5. Artificial intelligence will generate media specific to your personal preferences
5. 人工智能会依据你的个人偏好生成特定的媒体
“Given the rapid pace of research, I expect AI to be able to create new personalised media, such as music, according to your taste. Imagine a future music service that doesn’t just play existing songs you might like, but continually generates new songs just for you.”
“鉴于研究的快速发展,我希望人工智能可以根据自己的口味创建新的个性化媒体,例如音乐。 想象一下未来的音乐服务,它不仅可以播放现有你喜欢的歌曲,还可以为你不断制作新歌曲。”
– Jan Kautz, senior director of visual computing and machine learning research, Nvidia
——英伟达公司视觉计算和机器学习研究高级总监Jan Kautz
6. Artificial intelligence will write news and market reports tailored specifically for you
6. 人工智能将为你专门撰写定制化的新闻和市场报告
“Imagine market reports that were written on demand and not just when the market closed. These reports could be more than just a simple recap of market performance, but a comparison of a how a reader’s portfolio performed against the broader market, as well as key reasons why. For example: ‘It’s 3:35pm. The market is currently up 1 per cent, but your portfolio is down 2 per cent. This is attributed in part to the purchase of XX stock last week, which has fallen sharply since…’
“想象一下,市场报告是按需编写的,而不仅仅是在休市时才需要。 这些报告可能不只是对市场表现的简单回顾,而是将读者的投资组合与大盘表现进行比较,并且得出关键原因。 例如,'下午3点35分,当前市场上涨1%,但你的投资组合却下跌了2%。这部分归因于上周购买了XX股票,而该股票大幅下跌是自从某某事件以来出现的。’”
“How close are we to being able to do this, and much more? The technologies are very nearly here already, and newsrooms are starting to embrace the possibilities.”
– Reg Chua, chief operating officer
——新闻首席运营官Reg Chua
7. Your computer will become empathetic
7. 你的电脑会变得善解人意
“I believe practical advancements in artificial intelligence will start to enable a more contextual form of computing with some of our devices, particularly smartphones and smart speakers. Going beyond the simple question and single, discrete response that typically marks these interactions now, we should start to see more human-like responses to our queries and requests.
“Multi-part conversations, more comprehensive answers, as well as appropriate and even insightful suggestions based on what it is we’re doing – or trying to do – will start to give us the sense that our devices are getting smart. Ironically, part of the way this development will likely occur is by learning more about people and how they think – essentially building a form of digital empathy.”
“多段式对话,更全面的答案,以及恰当甚至有洞察力的建议,这一切都将基于我们正在做什么或正尝试做些什么。这将开始让我们意识到,我们的设备正变得越来越聪明。而具有讽刺意味的是, 要实现这种可能性,人工智能需要更多地了解人类以及他们思考的方式——基本上构建出了一种数字化的移情模式。”
– O’Donnell, TECHnalysis Research
——TECHnalysis Research总裁O'Donnell
8. Your doctor is going to use AI
8. 你的医生将开始使用人工智能
“2018 will be the year AI becomes real for medicine … By the end [of the year] I think around half of leading healthcare systems will have adopted some form of AI within their diagnostic groups. And while a lot of this adoption will happen first in the diagnostic medical specialties, we’re seeing solutions for population health, hospital operations and a broad set of clinical specialties quickly follow behind.
“2018年将成为人工智能真正进入医药行业的一年……年底前,我认为约一半的主要卫生保健系统将在其诊断组中采用某种形式的人工智能科技。 虽然这将最先应用于诊断性医学类别当中,但我们仍在为后期的人口健康、医院运营和一系列广泛的临床专业寻求解决方案。”
“In 2018, we’ll begin the adoption of a technology that may truly transform the way providers work, and the way patients experience health care, on a global scale.”
– Mark Michalski, executive director, Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Centre for Clinical Data Science
——麻省总医院及哈佛医学院教学附属医院布列根和妇女医院,临床数据科学中心执行主任Mark Michalski
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: How AI will begin to change your life.